Massive Terror Attack Likely In October.

terrorized girl viewing explosion

Image by Alex Vyshnikov

Most people who are paying attention now realize the deep state, working in cooperation with the radical Democratic Party, is at war with the American people. We've seen suspicious elections, corrupt & politically biased courts, weaponized federal agencies, medical assaults, attacks on our infrastructure including food production, and the entry of millions of illegal immigrants. We have a housing crisis, high inflation, attacks on free speech, runaway spending, a fentanyl epidemic, and military conflicts that could lead to World War III. We're in a lot of trouble, but we didn't get here by accident. 

We're in a Marxist coup, and our domestic enemies want to tear everything down so they can rebuild as a Communist society that imposes total control over all of us, or at least, those of us who aren't sent to the death camps. Who are the Marxists? They are the people who now control the Democratic Party, and they include Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Antony Blinken, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Kathy Hochul, Katie Hobbs, and many others. Helping them are a large number of media personalities such as Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, and the propagandists at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Daily Kos, The Hill, and hundreds of local television stations from coast to coast.

Marxists have been playing a long game since the 1960's, carefully taking over our institutions and indoctrinating us with their collectivist hive-mind bullshit for decades. They've been very patient, but their slowness has given many of us time to wake up and realize what's going on. And then the election of Donald Trump sent them into crisis mode as they began to realize their dreams of a Communist revolution might never become reality. They pulled every stunt they could think of, including a fake pandemic, to get Trump out of the way and to traumatize the rest of us so that we would blindly obey while they completed their coup. But we didn't obey. We organized and communicated. And Trump came back for round two. 

They're getting desperate. They want their revolution. They want total control of everyone and everything. They want to destroy the one thing they talk about the most: democracy. But how will they do it?

The least likely way forward is a win for Kamala Harris in November. It would take a lot of cheating to get Harris in the White House, and you can bet the fraud will be rampant again this year. But she's so unpopular I'm not sure it's possible to cheat enough to guarantee a victory. They need another plan.

The other plan is a false flag event, a massive terror attack so horrible, so traumatic, that it either divides the nation with civil war, or is so disruptive that the election can't take place.

Earlier this year, researcher Ole Dammegard said his intel suggests the next false-flag attack will be either an attack on the Statue of Liberty, or some sort of major event in Florida. I suspect an attack on the Statue of Liberty would be the most traumatic to Americans and would therefore have the most political value to anyone wanting to create social chaos. But a civil war could be sparked by a terror event at Mar-A-Lago, especially if Donald Trump was injured or killed. Recently I've also heard chatter that the White House or the U.S. Capitol building could be targeted, but those buildings are so heavily guarded that choosing either as the target might be so incredible that the public wouldn't accept it as anything but an inside job. But regardless of what is targeted, the attack would be planned and carried out by operatives of the deep state, with the CIA and FBI being the likely suspects, but we can't rule out involvement by Israel's Mossad.

And then the blame game begins. Depending on what is attacked, we'll be told it was done by one of these three: Russia, Iran, or "white nationalists". If Russia or Iran is blamed, a fully kinetic war involving American troops would be the next step in the plan. If white nationalists are blamed, it could be the beginning of a full-on Communist revolution, with martial law and gun confiscation imposed in the name of "public safety", and that could be another way to start a civil war.

Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly what will happen next. The people controlling our nation are morally derelict and mentally depraved. They're capable of doing anything, and they're desperate enough to do anything. They're lying to us now and they'll continue lying to us until real justice is restored and the traitors receive whatever punishment is handed to them by a court of moral Americans who respect the Constitution.

But that's in the distant future. We now have less than a month before the election. The threats I've outlined are real possibilities that could happen at any time between today and November 5. Let's pray that God's hand intervenes and keeps us all safe.

Speak The Truth Even If No One Hears It.

George Orwell quote on humanity and sanity

"He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear. But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken. It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage." -- George Orwell, 1984

The Worst Terrorists Wear Suits.

meme the worst terrorists wear suits

The worst terrorists wear suits, and Benjamin Netanyahu is probably the best example of this. #GazaGenocide

The System Is Designed To Control You.

Jason Christoff quote about the design of society

"The entire design of the system is to make you so poisoned, so brain damaged, so mind controlled and so indoctrinated...that you don't notice the design of the system." -- Jason Christoff

Is Another Pandemic Being Planned?

chicken with imaginary bird flu virus

From Children's Health Defense: "New York City officials are planning a tabletop simulation later this month to prepare for a hypothetical bird flu outbreak, a city health official revealed at the International Bird Flu Summit, taking place this week in Fairfax, Virginia."

First of all, it's disturbing enough that an "International Bird Flu Summit" is being held. Here we have a gathering of public health officials and representatives of the medical industrial complex coming together to reinforce their baseless claims that bird flu is a serious threat. These are people who have never proven viruses cause diseases, yet they profit from all kinds of tests and treatments used to locate and control these non-existent pathogens. But we know massive profits and societal control are what drive the madness of virology, and bird flu is no exception. Just like COVID, bird flu is a tool of fear that allows the establishment to restrict our lives and force medical experiments upon us for, they say, the greater good of society. It also gives them an excuse to destroy much of our food supply, making us more dependent on the government and their wealthy business partners. 

And by planning a tabletop simulation, they're essentially "wargaming" the next pandemic. A similar simulation was done just before the COVID psyop was launched, and virtually every detail of the simulation played out in real life. That's because these simulations aren't done to explore what might happen, but rather, they're done to plan out what WILL happen thanks to the coordinated efforts of Big Pharma, government officials, and the mind-control news media.

They've been planting the seeds of fear for several months already, claiming farm workers with pink eye are testing positive for bird flu. But pink eye is not the flu. And they're using the same flawed PCR technology to detect bird flu that was inappropriately used to create the COVID panic in 2020. It's the same playbook. Only the name of the virus has changed.

Will we fall for it again?

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