How Long Can You Survive Without Water?

We take water for granted. Open the tap or twist off the cap on a bottle and rehydration is almost instant. But that's during normal times when there is no drought, the water supply hasn't been poisoned, and the infrastructure hasn't been destroyed in a natural or man-made disaster. But wait, bad things like that only happen in the movies, right? 

Actually, history should have taught us that life is full of surprises, and often those surprises include dry faucets and undrinkable water. A few hours without water is generally not a big deal. But in these chaotic times, the threat of long-term supply disruptions is a real concern. For over a year we've seen what appear to be deliberate attacks on our infrastructure and food production facilities. Just like week we witnessed a train derailment in Ohio that turned rivers and streams into chemical hot spots. And NATO's aggression in eastern Europe is putting all of us at risk of nuclear war. America has never been in greater danger than it is right now.  The Cold War was a lot of posturing and big talk, but today insane people control arsenals that could kill us all, and I think they're crazy enough to use them.

I haven't said that to scare you. I've said it to hopefully make you realize that today is the day when you need to prepare for the worst. We always think we have time to think it over and then gather up supplies some time in the future. The fact that nothing horribly bad has happened in the past lulls us into thinking time is on our side. But when catastrophes strike, they usually give us no warning. 

There have been many articles written about prepping, listing all the things you might possibly need in a SHTF moment. The lists are so long they can intimidating. What if you don't have the money to buy everything you need? What if you live in a small apartment and don't have the space? You have to make your own decisions on what is important to you. While making that decision for myself, I realized that the number one thing I can't survive without is water. Without water, it won't matter if I have a satellite phone or a 25-year supply of freeze-dried peas. According to Scientific American magazine, depending on the situation, you can only survive around three days without water. On a hot day you could be dead in a few hours. So I think your number 1 survival priority should be your water supply. 

In addition to storing water in bottles and jugs, I suggest you obtain a method to filter water sourced from your neighborhood. You need to think about where you could find water if the city system went dry. Is there a river or stream nearby? How about a pond? You may even have to dip water out of a hole in your backyard. Collecting rainwater off your roof is also an option if you set up a collection system in advance. All of these sources of untreated water have the potential to make you very sick. Some of the nasty things you could find include bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, heavy metals, and chemicals. Even if you're thirsty, you need to get the junk out before you take a gulp.

Water filtration tablets are available in sporting goods stores and also in the camping department at Walmart. The tablets will kill bacteria and some parasites but they don't work against cryptosporidium and they won't turn muddy water clear. But they are better than nothing. 

A better choice is to have a water filtration system on-hand. A basic Brita or Pur pitcher can't handle pond water. Most filters designed for homes rely on the water being treated through a city system before being poured through the filter. In a pinch you could filter questionable water in a basic pitcher filter, but the filter element will clog quickly and they won't trap some of the things that could make you sick. What you need is a filter that's designed for untreated water. For that, I've purchased an Epic Nano water filter pitcher. I already have an Epic Pure filter pitcher which removes fluoride. But Epic says their Nano filter is better suited for water sourced from outdoors. According to Epic, the Nano removes up to 99.999% of all contaminants, including bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, and viruses. Their test data proves the filter also removes heavy metals and a wide range of chemicals. My plan is this: first I'll filter water that I pull out of a local stream using a mesh screen and a coffee filter to remove the larger solids. If the water is especially murky I'll let it sit for a couple of hours so the sediment can settle out before running it through the coffee filters. Then I'll filter the water in my Nano pitcher followed by a run through my Pure pitcher. The end result should be as tasty as bottled water but hopefully even safer. 

Let me be clear that I can't certify that my method will produce totally pure drinking water from creek water. There are a lot of variables to consider. But in the absence of any other source of water, my triple-filtration method will keep you alive longer than no water at all. 

I highly recommend you buy an Epic Nano filter at the very least. Don't activate it yet. Put it on a shelf with your other survival gear. Then if you can afford it, also buy an Epic Pure filter which you can begin using right away with your tap water. Should you find yourself in a survival scenario with no safe water, you can then bring out the Nano filter and follow it up with the Pure filter as I described above (screen/coffee filter/Nano/Pure).

Click Here to learn more about Epic filters and to order today. You may also want to consider the filters sold by Lifestraw. They have a range of systems available but I haven't personally used them so I can't endorse them. 

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. But don't be distracted by trendy exciting things some preppers might say you need. Without water, nothing else matters.

Step Ahead Of The Coming Collapse.

Fighting a broken system run by psychopathic fascists doesn't have to stress you out. There are simple steps you can take to get ahead of the coming collapse that won't break your budget but will help you sleep better at night. Consider doing as many of these as you can, as fast as you can, and you'll be in a far better position than most (if not all) of your neighbors.

Buy Food

With record inflation taking serious bites out of everyone's paychecks, each passing week your money is able to buy less and less food. Think of food as an investment. A bag of coffee that sells for $4 today could sell for $8 by this time next year. Stocking up on essentials with long shelf lives will not only give you food security, it will also give you something you can sell or barter during a famine or economic collapse. Staples such as sugar, flour, rice, corn meal, spices, canned food, beans, and grains are vital to have in storage. Coffee, chocolate, and liquor are good to have too, especially to sell. If you don't think you have the money to stock up on food, try buying one or two extra packages whenever you go to the grocery store. You can stick to your list but buy two bags of sugar instead of one this week, then two bags of rice instead of one next week. Over time you'll see your inventory begin to build up, and you'll sleep better knowing you're better prepared than your neighbors. And don't forget your pets. You're going to be stressed out if Fluffy runs out of kibble on day 3 of the apocalypse.

Make Food

We're so used to buying everything ready-made, the idea of actually making food seems like an impossible task. But making butter is one of the easiest things you can do. Once you do it you'll wonder why anyone ever buys the stuff in a plastic tub. You can also easily make your own pasta, jerky, and candy without buying a lot of expensive equipment. Buy or make a still and vodka and moonshine can be made in your kitchen using only simple ingredients. Even if you don't drink, alcohol can be used to disinfect surfaces and wounds, making it a very valuable commodity during a societal collapse.

Learn How To Preserve Food

Having extra food is great, but keeping it from spoiling or being eaten by insects and mice is even better. Take the time to learn how to can food like grandma used to do. Buy a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer. If you have space for it, buy a chest style freezer to give you more space for meats and vegetables. In times past, salt was used to preserve meat. Pickling is another option. It isn't difficult to preserve and protect food, but it's becoming a lost skill. It's a good time to bring that skill back.

Grow Food

Everyone needs to be growing food right now. It takes time to grow food, so you don't want to wait until there's another lockdown or the store shelves are bare. You'll need seeds, soil, and fertilizer, which you can buy now even if you don't plan to begin your garden right away. If you live in an apartment or you don't think you're physically able to dig in the dirt, try planting tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs in containers. Another great option is hydroponic gardening. There's a bit of a learning curve to get started but it can be done in limited space with no dirt and no electricity. The Kratky method uses nothing but water, nutrients, sunlight, and seeds. You can even build your growing setup from leftover buckets and food containers. And with both dirt gardening using containers and hydroponics, your food factory can be moved indoors during the winter if you have sunny windows or if you buy some grow lights. You can be eating healthy salads while your neighbors scrounge around in dumpsters, but only if you get started today.

Store Water

Buy safe containers for water storage and fill them up. Keep at least five gallons of water on hand at the very minimum, much more if you have the space. Get a water filter that safely filters "found" water such as creeks and puddles. This is a special filter that can remove bacteria and viruses, and not the same one you normally use to filter tap water. I recommend the Epic Nano filter. It's the first water filter pitcher designed to remove up to 99.999% of all tap water contaminants including bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, and viruses. (I suggest you pre-filter water you've gathered from streams using a paper coffee filter to remove as much debris and sediment as possible before you run it through your Epic filter.) And speaking of creeks, this is a good time to scout your neighborhood to find nearby water sources. Satellite maps are a good way to find sources you didn't know existed.

Leave The Stock Market And Big Banks

The stock market has been dropping lately, and much of it is because the wealthiest investors are moving their money to safer places. Unless you know more than Warren Buffet it's probably a good idea to protect yourself and invest in something safer than stocks. As mentioned above, food is a great investment during inflationary times. Silver, gold, and platinum are solid options too. I prefer small silver rounds and coins because they're easier to trade for goods and services than the much more expensive gold and platinum products. If you're trying to buy a tank of gas you don't want to be in a position where all you have to trade is a gold coin worth $2000. And remember that the value of any cash you're holding is dropping by the second. Now is the time to buy the things you know you're going to need over the next year or two even if you don't need them today. Vehicles, office equipment, tools, clothing, and furniture are only going to go up in price. But spend the money on durable goods you really need, not frivolous toys you can do without. If your water heater barely heats or your roof is leaking, it will be substantially cheaper to fix them now than to wait 6 months. 

Another way to protect your assets is to leave the super large banks that don't know you and don't care about your needs. Look for local and regional banks with solid leadership, where you can build a real relationship and not be just another account number at an institution owned by heartless, greedy globalists.

Cryptocurrency is another option that I'll discuss in another article. But I will say now that in a SHTF scenario with widespread power outages and possibly a government-induced shutdown of the internet, cryptocurrency would be almost impossible to use. It will do you little good to have $1000 worth of Bitcoin if you can't go online to send it anywhere. A pint of homemade vodka would have a lot more value.

Light Up Your Life

Be prepared with some form of backup power for your phone. Power banks are good but the ones with solar recharging capabilities are much better. Buy battery operated LED lights to place around your house and make sure they're bright enough to read a book by. Use rechargeable batteries and then keep extra batteries and a solar charger on hand. Portable folding solar panels are available for under $100. Candles, oil lamps, and camping style cook stoves are also good to have. Having these items at hand will put you in a better position if the local power company shuts down. When things get bad you want to be at home behind locked doors and not caught up in the looting at Walmart looking for a flashlight.

Pleasure Yourself

Have entertainment available that doesn't run on electricity. You don't want to be draining your batteries playing games on your phone during the end times. Buy books, games, puzzles, and hobby supplies now so you'll have something to occupy your mind and time if you're trapped inside your house for days or weeks.

Be Ready To Roll

Keep your car full of fuel, especially when you see prices are increasing. It costs you money to have an empty gas tank when prices at the pump are rising 5 cents a day. When prices are dropping you can save money by holding off until you're at the 1/4 full mark, but that puts you at risk of not having enough fuel to get you safely out of town if the worst happens. This is also a good time to buy a bicycle. Bikes can go where cars can't, and they're faster than walking. Being ready to roll could also refer to having a bug-out bag, but that's a topic for another post on another day.

While this is a lengthy list, it is by no means complete. You can always do more to be prepared. And the more prepared you are, the less dependent you will be on a broken and collapsing society and the manipulative fools who currently run it. 

(This article first appeared on my other blog,, which is being merged with this one.)

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