Who Is Bill Gates?

We all know Bill Gates as the founder of Microsoft, but recently he's somehow become the face of public health, especially as it relates to the Covid pandemic. But Gates isn't a doctor. He has no medical training of any kind. What he does have are money and powerful connections. He also has an agenda for humanity that you probably won't like. That agenda includes mass vaccinations, biometric digital ID's for every person on earth linked to a central database that will also store your medical records, and even digital currency that can be shut off at the flip of a switch. This entire infrastructure is being built right now, and it's funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  If successful, Bill Gates will have control over every person on earth, and he'll profit hugely from it.

This documentary by James Corbett exposes it all.

Note that this is a 2 hour video and it's well worth your time. But it is divided into 4 parts so you spread it out over a couple of days if you need to. But please watch it before it's too late.

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