Just Another Day Of Misinformation & Chaos.

A quick summary of today's misinformation and chaos being served up by the psychopaths and propagandists who seem to be in charge of the world right now. [news & images sourced from Bing.com]

What are the odds this fuel tanker just happened to be under a bridge when it was hit? We're seeing an awful lot of "coincidences" lately that affect our infrastructure. Gas tankers, trains, ships, bridges, food factories, pipelines...they all seem to be under attack, and yet we're being told by the "authorities" that they're all unrelated. Move along...nothing to see here. Do you believe them?

The US occupied federal government is assembling a "squad" of allies to agitate China and make sure we stay in conflict with them for the benefit of the military industrial complex. Peace and prosperity will remain elusive as long as mentally disturbed (and bribed) war hawks remain in control of the US government.

Bee populations are declining, but it's not from glyphosate, pesticides, EMF's, or chemtrails. It's from CLIMATE CHANGE! (that's the new official story from the propagandists helping to eliminate all life on the planet). I'd like to see who funded this study and see if they're related to the usual suspects.

If climate change was a real threat, private jets would be banned. Clear-cutting trees for housing developments, factories, and warehouses would be banned. Vacant buildings would be replaced by trees. Rocket launches (Space X?) would stop. There would be a ceasefire on all wars. People would be encouraged to grow food gardens. And money for weapons would be replaced by money for energy-saving home improvements.

But none of this happens, does it?

Dr Masanori Fukushima of Japan Calls For An Immediate Investigation Of Vaccine Injuries.

Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University in Japan, calls for an immediate investigation into the harms of the covid vaccines. Medical professionals around the world need to step up and help end vaccine madness. Far too many people have been injured or killed by the toxic jabs, yet the vaccination program continues.

Is This What China's Zero COVID Policy Really About?

A protester holds a sign that reads "Zero COVID is a domestic rehearsal for the state of war to invade Taiwan".

For months the CCP has subjected millions of people to daily invasive testing, in-home imprisonment, and extended stays in covid camps. Some have suggested that this nothing but a cover for a military build-up for a war with Taiwan or the United States. Those covid camps we've seen in videos smuggled out of the country could actually be prisoner of war camps. Given the current state of China's economy and the civil unrest there we're now seeing, I doubt they're in any condition to start a land invasion of the US, but Taiwan could definitely be in their crosshairs. Is it a coincidence that a massive 90,000 unit covid camp is being built in the port city of Guangzhou? That location makes it very strategic as a prisoner of war camp should China invade Taiwan.

Another theory about the lockdowns and testing programs is that it isn't covid at all but rather a fear that some other biological or chemical attack is being used against the Chinese, most likely by western nations such as the US, the UK, France, and Germany. They might not want to admit they're under attack and would therefore keep the covid myth alive.

Given the closed nature of the Chinese society imposed by the CCP, it's unlikely we'll know the truth until it's impossible for it to remain hidden any longer. But if the protester above is correct, bombs could be dropping on Taiwan any day now.

Add that conflict to the war in Ukraine, and we could see world war 3 in 2023.

The international bankers will fund both sides of it, as they have every major conflict for centuries. 

The madness stops when we stop participating in it.

No Authority.

None Of These People Have Any Real Authority Over You...Unless You Give It To Them.

You Are Not A Slave.

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