Notes From Clown World: August 08, 2024.

Kamala Harris disables the Star Trek Enterprise

I don't know who created this meme, but it's brilliant. Kamala Harris' cackling laugh has the power to disable the crew of the USS Enterprise. They should have marooned her on Ceti Alpha Five when they had the chance.

Unfortunately, she's not marooned anywhere. She's on our TV's and touring the nation trying to convince us she's a respectable person who has left her Willie Brown days behind her. I recall when she was Joe Biden's running mate they liked to say "Decency is on the ballot". So how is she pushing decency and respectability now? By holding a campaign rally featuring a couple of R&B stars doing a hoochie mama dance. Yeah, that's what grandma and the kids want to see. Disclaimer: Hunter Biden may not have actually been at the rally, despite this convincing video:

[video below:]

top causes of death in 2023

Coming as no surprise to me, the set of symptoms called "COVID" is nowhere near the top of the list for causes of death in 2023.  In fact, no disease allegedly caused by viruses is on the list at all, when you consider that the virus the medical industrial complex says causes COVID, SARS-CoV-2, has never been isolated and proven to exist anywhere in the world, outside of a partial computer model. Many of the other causes of death, such as heart disease, cancer, and strokes, are strongly linked to the Department of Defense mystery jabs falsely sold to us as COVID vaccines. Other strong contributors to an early demise are chemicals in our food, fluoride in our water, seed oils such as cottonseed and canola, sugar & high fructose corn syrup, and alcohol. And interestingly, one of the top causes of death isn't on the list at all: medical errors by doctors and nurses. Equally troubling but also missing from the list: the most recent analysis (2016) estimates 128,000 Americans die each year as a result of taking medications as prescribed. 

Now would be a good time to take control of your own health and keep it out of the hands of people with a different agenda than your own.

erythritol health risk?

Sugar is bad for you. Use saccharin. No, saccharin is bad for you. Use aspartame. No, aspartame is bad for you. Use erythritol. No, erythritol is bad for you. Use xylitol. No, that's bad for you too. Use sugar, in moderation. 

What should you believe? It's hard to say because "the science" tends to change regularly based on who is funding the studies. I couldn't find data on how much they spend on studies, but in 2023 alone, the sugar industry spent more than $15 Million on lobbying politicians for favorable legislation. I think it's safe to assume if they're willing to spend that much to influence elected officials, they're willing to spend a couple of bucks on scientific studies with favorable outcomes. And it's not just the sugar industry. Their opponents in the sugar-free world, the Calorie Control Council, are hard at work trying to convince us that artificial sweeteners are as wholesome as a mother's kiss.

I wouldn't worry too much about the safety of any sweeteners, natural or not. I suspect all of them are bad in the quantities most people consume. Just keep your intake as small as possible, and wait for the study that validates your choice. "The science" will shift to your favor eventually, if only for a little while.

Spike Cohen tweet about Tim Walz COVID tyranny

Just a quick look at the clown being pushed upon us by Kamala Harris and the un-Democratic Party: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota is who we have to look forward to when the deep state hands another election to the radical left in November. I'll do a deeper dive into the policies of Walz later, but for now take a look at Spike Cohen's tweet (above) for a reminder of the sort of complete tyranny Mr Walz imposed upon the good people of Minnesota in 2020. It's a list of unscientific authoritarian nonsense that had no positive impact on the so-called pandemic, but greatly increased the power of the government. People who feel the need to control others have no control over themselves. Authoritarianism is a mental defect often exhibited by the weak. If Walz' performance during the riots of 2020 is any indication, he's a very weak man indeed.

Tim Walz let his cities burn in 2020

Until next time, try to stay sane. Clowns are everywhere.

New Documentary Exposes The Frightening Agenda Of Klaus Schwab.

Filmmaker Richard Jeffs has put together a great documentary that exposes Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the global plans for a "great reset". Although similar films have been made before, this one brings together all the seemingly unrelated elements of Schwab's plan and shows us how they all lead to one place: communism. Or I should say, communism engineered by sociopaths and enforced by constant surveillance and artificial intelligence. A hellish world where the top 1/2 of one percent own everything, and the rest of us get crumbs, but only if we behave and obey the elites.

I highly recommend you watch 'Stakeholder Communism' and let it connect the dots about the frightening future heading our way, unless we rise up and stop it now.

You can watch it here, but if you prefer to see it on the Rumble site, here's the link: Stakeholder Communism

Marxist Indoctrination Is Changing American Values.

A recent article in the trade magazine "Convenience Store News" caught my attention. The article, "Supporting Social Issues Draws In More Customers" says that due to changing attitudes among potential shoppers, retailers need to adjust their social issue marketing campaigns to target various age groups. As someone who has worked in the retail industry for many years, I'm used to the idea of adjusting marketing tactics to attract teenagers, professionals, retirees, and other demographic groups, but these adjustments have traditionally focused on simple things like the newest music styles or the "graying" of the population. But what this article is suggesting is that the social values of customers need to be considered to get the most bang out of your marketing bucks.

According to research from EthniFacts, a cross-cultural knowledge and insights provider, all age groups are more likely to buy from companies that support social issues important to them. Generation Z, aged 16-24, is the most likely to buy based on social issues. The issues that matter vary by generation. Their study found:

social issues by age demographic

What stood out to me from the study's results is how decades of Marxist indoctrination have changed the values of Americans. Older generations, the Boomers, still support patriotism and Christianity, and we see similar support in Generation X, aged 20-59, although issues like protecting the environment and small businesses begin to gain new interest. But then look at the Millennials, aged 25-39, who prioritize racial and ethnic equality. There's no mention of religion in that age group, and I have to wonder if their concern for "unifying Americans" involves patriotism or if it's just a buzz phrase for social equity & inclusion apart from national pride. The study doesn't say. Now let's look at Gen Z, the current generation coming of age. This age group has similar values as the Millennials, but with the addition of "Black Lives Matter" (the terrorist group, not black lives in general), and the rainbow cult of LGBTQIA+. You'll notice that small businesses, America, patriotism, and religion aren't included in their values. This, in my opinion, is a clear indication that our youngest people have been indoctrinated with Marxist ideas that prioritize a government-run collective over private businesses and consider patriotism and faith to be poisons to society. In the chart above, you can see the gradual change in values as subsequent generations are fed increasing amounts of extreme leftist propaganda. 

And it gets even worse with the group coming next, the so-called "Generation Alpha", composed of those born between 2010 and 2025. This group will be immersed in technology and have little desire to know God. Individuality will be considered a negative social trait, not in the best interests of the collective. Family ties will be weak. “The share of this new generation spending at least part of their early formative years in living arrangements that do not include both of their biological parents is higher than any generation observed in the previous century,” said Elwood Carlson, a demographer and professor of sociology at Florida State University. “When you look at a child in this generation, you never know what kind of family life they have experienced.” Add in years of leftist propaganda from government schools, Hollywood, the music industry, and peer pressure, and the result will be the first generation of Communist technocrats, ready to transform humanity and society into a cold mix of science and group-think. 

While I try to be optimistic and think we can still "Make America Great Again", when I look at the changing values among generations and the projected values of Gen Alpha, I have to wonder if our efforts are "too little, too late". 

Still, we must try.

David Icke Nails It In His Latest Video.

David Icke

In his latest "The Dot Connector" video, David Icke explains our ring-fenced world, where all of us are kept divided by the global elites in compartments with limited views. Using the well-worn tools of racism, sexism, religious differences, and so many more, the elites keep us fighting among ourselves so that we never have the power to fight them.

We Could Lose The War Against The Globalists. Here's Why.

It's not over till it's over, but I'm seeing storm clouds ahead that aren't forming in our favor, and we need to be concerned. If we don't change our tactics, the globalists are going to defeat us. What am I talking about?

We're in a war. There are powerful, intelligent people, the so-called global elites, who want us either dead or enslaved. They want the riches of the world for themselves and their robotic servants. They only need enough of us around to keep the robots running, until the day comes the robots can repair themselves, and then they won't need us at all. We'll truly become useless eaters, at least in the opinion of the elites, and we'll be quickly disposed of.

Of course it doesn't have to end that way. We are the majority and we can easily stop their evil plans if we come together and fight them, united as brothers & sisters determined to live in freedom instead of slavery.

But that's where the storm clouds begin to form.

The globalists, generally thought to be led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, are playing a long game with several different strategies, but the main one being used right now is "divide and conquer": Win by getting one's opponents to fight among themselves. It's a simple strategy that's been used in war for centuries. Rather than confront one large enemy, divide it by race, sex, age, nationality, religion, or any other trait we self-identify as, then attack each small group one by one until no one is left to fight.

I'm seeing quite a bit of this going on now. Social media sites and podcasters have been hot spots for divide and conquer. Some examples: 

Mike Adams of Health Ranger, Natural News, and Brighteon posted the statement above accusing gay men of spreading monkeypox despite there being no credible evidence to back his claim. Adams posted a link to The Hill, a far left propaganda site, to support his assertion. Why would he do that? On any other subject I doubt he'd reference that source, but because it props up his prejudices, it suddenly became a credible news site. If that isn't bad enough, The Hill uses claims from the World Health Organization as support for its article. Adams has been a very loud critic of the WHO and generally dismisses everything they say, but not when they say something that stigmatizes a group of people Adams seems to hate. He actually wrote that gay people have "filthy, disease-spreading lifestyles". That's the sort of language the Nazi's used to justify killing Jews. Maybe he's just not very bright since he implied that monkeypox could be controlled if gay people stopped having anal sex. Ignore all the other, more common, ways monkeypox can be spread so that the hate can flow. And actually, it's never been proven that monkeypox or any other disease is caused by viruses. Adams knows that, I'm sure. He should also know that skin blisters are a known side effect of the covid vax, meaning reported cases of monkeypox are very likely to be ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) or VAIDS (vaccine-induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome). So who's side is Mike Adams on? We, the people, defending ourselves against the globalists? Or is he helping the globalists by creating divisions that make us weaker? 

Next we have this post found on GAB. Best I can figure, it's a Christian going after the "alt-right". It's a minor skirmish, but it's another example of the resistance fighting among itself instead of focusing on the real enemy.

Here's another dose of divisive hate, again found on GAB:

The division and hate seem to have no limits. Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mexicans, Asians, Russians, Democrats, Libertarians, gays, lesbians, doctors, teachers, and almost anyone else you can think of have been attacked while the global elites sit back and laugh at our ignorance. We're going at each other like little kids on the playground and everything is being taken from us while we fight. 

We're being manipulated by the elites to do this. They plant the seeds of hatred all over the place and wait for them to grow. The transgender movement is an example of this. It's a very divisive issue and the elites know it. That's why they made sure it became a part of the gay and lesbian rights movement, even though many gays and lesbians wanted no part of it. Drop in "Drag Queen Storytime" and hints that gay men want to rape children and instantly you've turned millions of people against each other. These same elites are using the Black Lives Matter movement to divide white against black, and they're behind the current unrest surrounding the abortion issue. In fact, on just about any issue that separates us, the elites are creating the separation for their own selfish benefit.

Why can't people see what is being done to us? Why are people falling into the globalist's traps? Is it ignorance, or do they know they're helping the enemy and simply don't care?

Whatever the reason, it has to stop. Freedom fighters of all types are going to have to unite and work together to stop the depopulation effort and the totalitarian prison society that is being built all around us. And that means reaching out and finding common ground with people we've been told are our enemies.

I'll leave you with this famous statement by Patrick Henry:

"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."

Warren Buffett, The Abortionist Of Omaha.

Most people know who Warren Buffett is. Nicknamed the “Oracle of Omaha”, Buffett has amassed a fortune during his lifetime as a shrewd investor. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, is especially skillful at buying companies which are then run on very tight budgets for many years for maximum profit. No one doubts Buffett’s instincts or abilities when it comes to business. And his public image is that of a kindly grandfather figure, the type anyone would invite over for a friendly family dinner.

But has he earned that image? Is there a dark side to Buffett that few people know about? Sadly, yes.

Buffett, who now has a net worth of $105 Billion, is a major funder of eugenics programs and abortions plus many other left-leaning causes. He does this through the numerous organizations that he makes huge financial contributions to. These include:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: BMGF “has given more than $82 million to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation, International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network, International Planned Parenthood Worldwide, and Planned Parenthood in both central and western Washington state” according to It’s sister organization, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, “was created after Warren Buffett pledged over $30 billion in stock in his company Berkshire Hathaway to the Gates Foundation; the Trust was established to prevent the appearance of a conflict of interest while allowing Buffett to participate in Gates Foundation grantmaking.” It’s main recipient of funds has been Family Planning 2020, “a left-of-center campaign to implement the United Nations’ goal to expand birth control and abortion access in developing countries, particularly in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and southeast Asia.”

Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation: According to, “STBF is a quiet but massive financial supporter of pro-abortion activities and population control policies. It is reportedly the largest non-governmental funder of “reproductive health and family planning” in the world, including substantial investments in abortion and contraceptives. One estimate found that STBF had given over $1.2 billion to organizations which advocate for pro-abortion policy, perform elective abortions, or helped develop the chemical abortion pill RU-486. As of 2012, STBF had provided nearly $300 million to the controversial abortion clinic network Planned Parenthood and its national headquarters, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).”

Sherwood Foundation: The foundation states that its grantmaking promotes left-of-center social policy and expects recipients of SF donations to have similar values, specifically support for abortion. Past recipients have included The Clinton Foundation and Planned Parenthood.

NoVo Foundation: states the NoVo Foundation “directs millions each year to left-of-center groups advocating for abortion, LGBT interests, and liberal economics.” Past recipients include Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Transgender Law Center, The Population Council (a nonprofit founded in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III to address supposed world overpopulation), The Tides Foundation, Forward Together (a group that pushes a pro-abortion agenda), The Global Fund for Women (advocates for increased access to abortion around the world), and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. NoVo also contributes to numerous gun control and Leftist-Marxist organizations.

Warren Buffett appears to be yet another closet Marxist who has made a fortune through capitalism. He then uses his fortune to steer the world toward Socialism while also providing billions toward abortion and other eugenicist programs. But he maintains his lovable grandfather image by giving to foundations who keep his dirty deeds largely hidden from the public.

I think it’s time more people learn the truth: Buffett, through his financial contributions, is possibly the largest single abortion funder in the world. How many babies have been killed courtesy of Warren Buffett?

And how many more will die?

[Source material courtesy of]

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