A Cyber Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Us In A Digital Prison.

In this video from Trader University we're warned that a cyber pandemic, either a real or false-flag event, could be used by the world's governments as an excuse to restrict or ban Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Worse, such an event could usher in sweeping new restrictions on internet access and all things digital, including your bank account.

"Tech and AI are now strong enough to put us in a 1000 year prison of government control." -- Matthew Kratter

Now is the time to learn about the risks and take action to protect yourself and your family.

Video Shows How CBDC Will Work To Enslave You.

Pictured above: Video screenshot of Agustin Carstens, Head of the Bank for International Settlements.

Government tyrants, NGO madmen, and psychopaths of all shapes and sizes never seem to sleep. They're always conspiring to steal our money and our rights while conjuring up new ways to control us. One scheme that is especially dangerous is Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC. The bankers are selling CBDC as nothing more than a high tech version of a debit card, but their own statements have revealed it's far more than that. CBDC will replace debit cards and your cash. Any assets you have in a bank account will be seized and then converted into CBDC, which the central banks (not your local bank) will have total control over. Every financial transaction made anywhere in the world will be processed on one system, and all financial anonymity will end. Central banks and the governments they work with will be able to decide what you're allowed to buy and even where you're allowed to spend your money. And if they want to stimulate the economy, they'll be able to set expiration dates on your funds, meaning you'll have to spend it or have it taken away. Once CBDC becomes the new currency, cash will be outlawed, and CBDC will be the only way to survive unless you decide to leave mainstream society completely, shut out from shopping in stores, renting an apartment, or receiving medical care.

Central bank digital currency is a serious threat to humanity and will mark the beginning of the end of freedom. And even though you may not have heard of CBDC, central banks around the world have been working on it for several years and many nations are now right on the verge of rolling it out to the public. 

So that you're better informed and not caught off-guard, I urge you to watch the video below which explains in layman's terms what CBDC is, how it will work, and why you must fight back against it. The video has a United Kingdom focus but the information holds true for other nations where CBDC may soon appear, including the United States.

Please share this information with others so this banker's scheme can be exposed and stopped.

"Johnny's Cash And The Smart Money Nightmare" by Richard D Hall of RichPlanet TV.

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