Notes From Clown World: August 20, 2024.

DNC messages projected on Trump Tower

According to Psychology Today magazine, "projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another."

Projection in this sense is something the Democrats have practiced for decades. It seems that whatever they accuse the Republicans of doing, you can bet real money the Democrats are the ones actually doing it. But at the DNC convention in Chicago, they've taken their psychological trick to a new level...literally.  The DNC is using a projector to put various messages on the face of the Chicago Trump Tower, without permission, of course. The most comical of the messages is the one that reads, "Trump-Vance "Weird As Hell"". Do the Democrats see the irony of this message, or are they completely lacking self-awareness? 

There are a lot of things Kamala Harris could attack Trump on, but calling someone else "weird" is something she should probably avoid. Aside from her own word-salad speeches and the time she's spent being the number two person to a mumbling, shuffling corpse, she recently picked communist Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her vice presidential running mate. It would be hard to find anyone more weird than Walz. Apparently the man was a complete tyrant during the COVID lockdowns, happily destroying small businesses so that big box stores could thrive. It's not that he likes big box stores; it's that he's a weak man who went after even weaker targets without the means to fight back. That makes him a bully. I've also heard reports from Minnesota residents that he imposed a curfew and then ordered the National Guard to yell at citizens who dared to sit outside on their front porches for a little fresh air. Offenders were shot at by the Guard using paintball guns. And let's not forget that Gov. Walz bribed parents with $200 payments to get them to inject their kids with unproven, experimental injections falsely labeled as "vaccines". Some of those children will grow up to have lifelong, chronic health issues, thanks to Walz.

Tim Walz vaccine bribes 

Even more weird: the Democrats endorse the transgender agenda, woke culture, censorship, forced vaccination, exposing children to sexual behavior, and abortion. They believe the climate change myth, they worship government as a form of religion, and they think blue is an acceptable color for hair.

Democrats: Weird As Hell. 

Trump promising more immigration

[screenshot above - not a playable video]

Of course, Trump is doing enough harm to his reputation without the help of the Democrats.  As if his obsession with Israel and the Zionists isn't bad enough, he still thinks being the "father of the COVID vaccines" is a good thing. Apparently he loses no sleep thinking about the millions of people around the world who were injured or killed by his toxic jabs. And now, despite his 2016 promise of building a wall on the southern border, or his 2024 promise of deporting illegals, he's now promising to "let a lot of people come in". Trump seems to think that artificial intelligence will require more people, but in reality, A.I. (especially when combined with robots) will destroy millions of jobs around the world, and the United States will not be immune from the carnage. Very soon, machines will begin taking our jobs at a pace that most of us simply aren't prepared for. It will come slowly at first, and then wash over us like a tsunami. Some people will be retrained for the new economy, but there simply won't be enough work for the rest of us. What will we do then? What will Trump's immigrants do then? Build the wall, finally? And I have to laugh at his statement of "we're going to make sure they're not murderers and drug dealers". How's he going to do that? We can't even stop the CIA from trafficking drugs and murdering people.

Alex Jones monkeypox from gay men's butts

And finally today, perpetual grifter Alex Jones had this image up on his website today. It was part of an article discussing monkeypox, also known as "M-Pox" to the easily offended. Here we have Jones shamelessly perpetuating the myth of viruses, saying Monkeypox will be "the next bio-attack", even though it has never been isolated or proven to exist any more than any other virus has. He (or his staffers) even make the outlandish claim that "monkeypox comes out of the butts of gay men". The claim is made with zero proof, and seems designed to attract viewers at the expense of gay men. Inadvertently or on purpose, Jones is dividing us just as surely as social distancing, masking, and vaxxed/unvaxxed statuses did. For a man who claims to hate the globalists, it's disappointing to see him making their job a little easier. 

Oh, in case you missed it (above), he also said "COVID came out of China". This is more misinformation from Jones and the Infowars staff. It can't be proven that COVID came out of China, because it's never been proven that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists anywhere in the world. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have found nothing. SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a computer generated model. There is no virus. There was no pandemic. So we can't say that COVID came out of China. To do so is just yellow journalism, a divisive bit of fiction that helps to sell products but gets us no closer to the truth. 

they want us to hate each other don't let them win

Notes From Clown World: July 30, 2024.

George Takei touching men

Democrats are nothing if not entirely and predictably on script. A new talking point is created by someone among the party's elite, and the same day other Democrats across the nation will begin parroting that talking point like the reliable Borg drones that they are. I'm not sure who started the most recent one, but this week Democrats began calling Donald Trump and J.D. Vance "weird", and now it's being repeated by people who, in most cases, are much weirder than Trump or Vance could ever hope to be. Kamala Harris has said it, as have Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Senators Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, and even our favorite super-liberal man-loving Trek star, George Takei. But as the photo above reveals, Takei should probably sit this one out. His behavior is about as weird as anyone can imagine. What exactly is he doing to those men? I can't say, but if it turns out to be something bad, you can bet he'll blame Trump.

headlines about the threat of war

In an article that looks like it came straight from the Pentagon, we're warned "U.S. faces most serious threat of major war in 80 years and we aren't prepared: experts". The purpose of the article seems to be to frighten Americans into giving up more of our hard-earned (and rapidly shrinking) money to give to the military industrial complex. But let's examine the bullshit being fed to us. 

The bipartisan Commission on the National Defense Strategy warned we face “the most serious and most challenging” threats in 80 years. The commissioners, who said they were unanimous in their findings, said the U.S. faces “the potential for near-term major war.”

But war with whom? They say threats loom from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and others. But most of those threats are due to aggressive actions taken by the United States and NATO. Russia entered Ukraine only after years of warnings to NATO that they not push any closer to Moscow. NATO pushed anyway. This gang of war criminals now has military installations all along Russia's western border with missiles within easy reach of Russia's capitol city. The U.S. and NATO provoked the war, and now they make the false claim that Putin wants to invade and conquer all of Europe. It's a complete lie, but it justifies endless spending on weapons, which keeps the military industrial complex and international bankers very happy. What about China? Yes, it's a scary totalitarian nation that treats its people like soulless robots, but it's never been very big on war. Other than invading Tibet several decades ago, China has largely kept to itself militarily. It has expanded its influence through economic development programs, largely in Africa, rather than using the American tactic of bombing nations to steal resources. China would like to bring Taiwan back into the family, claiming the island nation has always been a part of China. But other than Taiwan, which the United States has pledged to protect as a way of poking China in the eye, China has posed no threat to us except economically. And much of the economic advantage they have is thanks to American politicians selling us out through various trade agreements. What about Iran? We're told it's a threat mainly because they stand up to Israeli aggression in the middle east. The U.S. government obeys Israel and supports it in terrorism and war. Israel has admitted they want to annex a huge chunk of the middle east, and Iran stands in the way. So we're fed propaganda that Iran is full of terrorists who hate America because of our "freedom". It's yet another lie to keep the war machine going. In truth, Iran is a target of the Zionists who want to claim it as their own. That, apparently, makes Iran our enemy. Last on the countries named is North Korea. It's no threat to anyone. A nation that lacks food and electricity and equips its soldiers with fake wooden rifles isn't going to start a war. They'll sit there continuing to do what they've always done: fire missiles into the sea, attempt to hack into American computer networks, and counterfeit U.S. dollars. 

The article goes on to say that American military spending is inadequate and that we must increase the budget. It doesn't mention that in 2023, the U.S. military budget accounted for approximately 36% of the world’s total military expenditure. It also doesn't mention that the U.S. military budget is larger than the combined military budgets of the next eight countries: China, India, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and South Korea. In 2018, the United States spent more on defense than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the UK, and Japan combined. But we need to spend more? Where did the money we've already spent go? Are Pentagon officials lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills? Or are they lying about the threats while funding so-called "black" projects, like directed energy weapons powerful enough to set some place on fire...some place like Lahaina, Hawaii, maybe? Or maybe they're funding the next round of bio-weapons disguised as vaccines. Who really knows? 

I do know this: the biggest threats we face come from Washington DC, not Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. 

Venezuela election chaos

Venezuela just held elections, and the results have thrown the nation into turmoil. Both presidential candidates are claiming victory, and accusations of election fraud are being thrown from all sides. 

I'm not terribly concerned, which is the opposite of what the establishment wants. The fact that the CIA-influenced news media wants me to care about Venezuela's election makes me suspicious. Any time a story is shoved down our throats repeatedly by all the corporate news sources, you can bet there's an agenda behind it. Their game works: already on social media I'm seeing people taking sides on an election that they know little about and that has no bearing on their lives whatsoever. Do they know that Maduro's opponent, Edmundo González, was probably funded by the U.S. State Department, which has coveted Venezuela's massive oil reserves for decades? Probably not, but they do know what has been carefully fed to them: that Maduro is a socialist who cheated for the win. But did he cheat, or are we being told he cheated because that's the story the State Dept and the CIA want us to believe? The U.S. government wants their guy to win, even if their guy ends up being the worst dictator the world has ever seen, because they intend to steal all the natural resources Venezuela has...especially the oil. 

Is Maduro a good guy? Probably not. But neither is his opponent. Sometimes there are no good guys. But there is always truth, that elusive thing we should always try to find no matter what we're told to believe by government spooks and media propagandists.

Jesus barn

Since today's "Notes From Clown World" was more serious than usual, and since we've just endured a weekend that exposed us to the perversion and degeneracy of the Olympics opening ceremonies, I'm closing today with this barn that I spotted outside Lexington, North Carolina. Even non-Christians should be able to see that the message on the barn is one of hope and faith. And we could all use more of that right about now.

New Documentary Exposes The Frightening Agenda Of Klaus Schwab.

Filmmaker Richard Jeffs has put together a great documentary that exposes Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the global plans for a "great reset". Although similar films have been made before, this one brings together all the seemingly unrelated elements of Schwab's plan and shows us how they all lead to one place: communism. Or I should say, communism engineered by sociopaths and enforced by constant surveillance and artificial intelligence. A hellish world where the top 1/2 of one percent own everything, and the rest of us get crumbs, but only if we behave and obey the elites.

I highly recommend you watch 'Stakeholder Communism' and let it connect the dots about the frightening future heading our way, unless we rise up and stop it now.

You can watch it here, but if you prefer to see it on the Rumble site, here's the link: Stakeholder Communism

Just Another Day Of Misinformation & Chaos.

A quick summary of today's misinformation and chaos being served up by the psychopaths and propagandists who seem to be in charge of the world right now. [news & images sourced from]

What are the odds this fuel tanker just happened to be under a bridge when it was hit? We're seeing an awful lot of "coincidences" lately that affect our infrastructure. Gas tankers, trains, ships, bridges, food factories, pipelines...they all seem to be under attack, and yet we're being told by the "authorities" that they're all unrelated. Move along...nothing to see here. Do you believe them?

The US occupied federal government is assembling a "squad" of allies to agitate China and make sure we stay in conflict with them for the benefit of the military industrial complex. Peace and prosperity will remain elusive as long as mentally disturbed (and bribed) war hawks remain in control of the US government.

Bee populations are declining, but it's not from glyphosate, pesticides, EMF's, or chemtrails. It's from CLIMATE CHANGE! (that's the new official story from the propagandists helping to eliminate all life on the planet). I'd like to see who funded this study and see if they're related to the usual suspects.

If climate change was a real threat, private jets would be banned. Clear-cutting trees for housing developments, factories, and warehouses would be banned. Vacant buildings would be replaced by trees. Rocket launches (Space X?) would stop. There would be a ceasefire on all wars. People would be encouraged to grow food gardens. And money for weapons would be replaced by money for energy-saving home improvements.

But none of this happens, does it?

Theory Versus Reality.

Theories are written in books. But theories put into action often end in disaster. Marxists love to ignore the reality that their defective, destructive ideology creates. But the photos of millions of victims are always there to remind the sane among us that Marxism, whether called socialism or communism, is a poison to society and must never be accepted or tolerated.

Hiding behind books full of promises won't bring back all the lives that have been cut short by the lies of madmen.

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