David Icke Nails It In His Latest Video.

David Icke

In his latest "The Dot Connector" video, David Icke explains our ring-fenced world, where all of us are kept divided by the global elites in compartments with limited views. Using the well-worn tools of racism, sexism, religious differences, and so many more, the elites keep us fighting among ourselves so that we never have the power to fight them.

The World Is Directed By Evil.

"This world is being directed by a level of evil that is almost impossible to comprehend." -- David Icke

The EU Has Banned David Icke From The European Continent.

The fascist European Union has banned author and speaker David Icke for two years in an attempt to keep the truth away from the public. Icke was scheduled to give a speech in the Netherlands at a freedom rally, but EU leaders are so afraid of him that they decided to keep him off the continent completely. Unfortunately for the fascists, Icke will be giving his speech by video to bypass the ban. And the attempt to gag him has created new interest in his books and videos meaning more people than ever will soon be hearing the truth about the globalists and their agenda to control the world. 

David Icke has written a number of books that explain how the world really works and who wields the power that turns politicians into puppets. I encourage you to check out his work and perhaps buy a book that will educate you and help keep Icke's mission moving ahead.

His website is at DavidIcke.com. His books can be found at shop.DavidIcke.com.

To hear more about the EU's ban, here is a video interview with Icke where he explains why powerful politicians are now scared of the man they used to ridicule.

Human Depopulation & Enslavement Were Planned Decades Ago.

It may look like we're living in a world of never-ending crises we've brought upon ourselves due to poor decisions, laziness, unexpected diseases, and bad luck. But in truth, almost everything we're experiencing today was planned decades ago by the world's wealthiest elites to reduce the population and bring the survivors under strict control. 

In his latest video, David Icke tells us about Dr Richard Day, a former professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan NY. Dr Day died in 1989 but during his long life he was tightly involved with the Rockefeller Foundation and thus was an insider in the secret realm of people who own most of the world and think it's their right to run it as they please. In 1969, he spoke to a small gathering of pediatricians in Pittsburgh PA and told them that plans had already been made to depopulate and control humanity. What he said may have been shocking and unbelievable at the time, but today we can clearly see that Dr Day was completely accurate. He wasn't making guesses and writing science fiction. He was merely telling some colleagues what he knew was already scheduled to happen.

Here are a few of his remarks from 1969:

  1. The cure for cancer had already been found. But the cure was being withheld to help reduce the population.
  2. In the future, there will be no boys and girls. People will be gender-neutral. Children will be created in a lab.
  3. Politicians are being manipulated by the elites in ways they don't understand.
  4. Change will be constant. Nothing will be permanent, making it easier to impose the New World Order's agenda onto the public.
  5. A global dictatorship was mentioned. The United States must be weakened before the dictatorship can take full control.
  6. Cash will be eliminated. All transactions will be electronic so that spending can be tracked and controlled.
  7. The ability to save money will be eliminated.
  8. Once people get used to centralized electronic currency, skin implants will be introduced to replace cards.
  9. Creation of the New World Order might require a nuclear war, to make the statement that "we mean business".
  10. Engineered terrorism will be used to make people think the world is dangerous, creating demand for a global government that promises safety.
  11. The elderly should be killed because they're no longer useful and are a burden on society.
  12. Medical care will become so expensive people can't afford treatment and then choose suicide over suffering.
  13. Children will spend more time in school but not learn anything.
  14. People will be denied access to books and other information sources not needed for their jobs.
  15. Violence will be more graphic to desensitize people.
  16. Food shortages will be created as a means to control people. Growing your own food will be outlawed.
  17. The weather will be manipulated to get better compliance with the NWO's orders.
  18. Scientific research will be falsified.
  19. Immigration and the mass movement of people will be used to destroy our roots and end nationalism.
  20. Information will be controlled to control our perceptions.
  21. Privately owned houses will be a thing of the past. Taxes and other means will be used to force people to give up their homes. We'll all become renters.
  22. Dissidents will be removed from society and taken to "special places". There will be no martyrs. People will simply disappear.

It's obvious Dr Day was well-informed about the future. We're seeing it all around us right now. All of these things have either already happened or are in the process of happening. That's not a coincidence. That's a plan in action.

We are being manipulated in ways most people can't imagine and many can't even accept as possible. And yet here we are living through it, thinking it's all just a big mess we've brought upon ourselves. We're being trained to hate ourselves and wish for the very destruction of humanity the elites are hoping for. 

But they're finally being exposed and people are taking notice. And that's the first step to breaking free and building the world WE want instead of being slaves in the world THEY want. 

Has A Mind Virus Infected Humanity?

Up is down. Left is right. Boys want to be girls and girls want to be boys. ANTIFA now defends fascists and hackers are helping the wealthy globalists. Doctors are killing their patients, the news media prints lies, and churches are surrendering to evil. What is behind all this? The answer goes way beyond politics or religion. According to many ancient teachings, the problems we're facing are caused by a mind virus, a distorted form of consciousness that infects humanity and inverts everything it touches, turning love into hate, life into death, and feeding off our fear and suffering. It goes by many names but the Cree Indians called it "Wetiko".

In this new video, David Icke explains what Wetiko is and how we must fight it to regain the purity of the human soul.

State Of Madness: News & Views For February 23, 2022.

Biden's Talk Of "Freedom" Is Fake.

Fake President Joe Biden continues his pathetic attempt to create a crisis between the United States and Russia over issues in the Ukraine that are none of our business. Biden says it's all about freedom, commenting "Defending freedom will have costs, for us as well, and here at home.” But Biden is a pathological liar and nothing he says can be believed. Does he really care about freedom? In addition to beating the war drum overseas, Biden and team have authorized 700 National Guard troops to stand guard in Washington DC to protect his corrupt government from the trucker's convoy that begins driving toward the capital today. Convoy organizers have made extensive plans to keep the protest safe and non-violent, but Biden apparently fears the working class people he allegedly represents. In addition to the National Guard you can count on a huge police presence including undercover agents from Homeland Security who will almost certainly be video recording the entire event and every person who participates in it. Biden's talk of "freedom" is fake: given the opportunity he would shred our Constitution faster than Justin Trudeau kisses Klaus Schwab's ass. 

Why Is Evil Consuming The World?

I've been warning about the dangers of totalitarianism for many years, but even I have been shocked at how fast this evil scourge has spread around the world. Many people dismiss evil as just bad human behavior, something we're all likely to engage in given the right circumstances. But I think it's something more. Evil exists outside the human realm and it has a presence you can feel if you're tuned in to your spiritual side. What it is exactly is a subject too extensive to discuss here, as there are numerous theories. But I like David Icke's idea that evil is an inversion of love, and it's spread like a virus. In fact, Icke calls it a "mind virus". It infects people and distorts both their conscious and unconscious thoughts. Once infected, people engage in behavior they'd never consider otherwise. The mentally afflicted no longer see reality in the same way the rest of us do and they become part of a hive mind, easily controlled but unable to accept that they no longer have free will. Everything about their world becomes inverted: things they used to love become things they now hate. And this hate is what drives them to self-harm, such as getting vax jabs on demand, and doing harm to others, like when doctors watch their COVID patients die rather than give them proven life-saving medicines. 

Why are some infected with this mind virus but others are not? I think it has to do with a person's mental strength, or lack of it. This would explain why liberals seem more vulnerable than conservatives. It has nothing to do with political positions but rather with the personalities of people who lean to one side more than the other. Conservatives tend to be independent and self-reliant. We want to go our own way and make our own decisions. We tend to take responsibility for ourselves and we don't like interference from the government or anyone who tries to hold authority over us. Compare that with the liberal mindset, which often lives in a place of fear and weakness and thus demands outside control and protection from harm. I suggest that this weak, fearful way of thinking makes liberals a better host for the mind virus. Their passive personalities almost invite it in. Another factor that can make one vulnerable (even conservatives) is the use of any mood-altering substances that dull the mind and lower natural defenses. And greed and lust might also invite the virus to infect a person. I don't say that as some sort of moral judgment. I merely suggest that those emotions, if strong enough, could function as attractants to the virus which can then gain control. 

The key to protecting yourself is to know that evil is transmitted from person to person, possibly in the form of a mind (or "psychic") virus. Staying vigilant and guarding your thoughts might help keep you from losing control of your life.

We'll Lose This War If We Don't Begin To Take It Seriously.

Let me be clear: the freedom of humanity, if not humanity itself, is under attack by the wealthy elites and their co-conspirators in the pharmaceutical and technology industries. Decades ago they declared war on us but most of us didn't realize it until the COVID pandemic psy-op began in 2020. The master plan of the elites is the creation of a global bio-security state, in which every person on the planet has a government-issued ID that will make us inmates in an open-air digital prison. Everything you do will be tied to your ID, including your bank accounts, vaccination records, physical and mental health diagnoses, job performance histories, social media posts, your current and past locations, criminal records, and every interaction you have with the government and its fascist partners. Even the amount of fuel you burn each month will be tracked so that future purchases can be limited or cut off. They quite literally want to make slaves out of all of us, here to serve a handful of super-wealthy psychopaths who will own everything that can be owned. Earth will be their playground, and we''ll be their servants. And this is not mere speculation or the product of wild conspiracy theories. We know the elites want to do these things because they've written about and done lectures and videos about all of these things and how they plan to make them reality. They actually brag about the success they've already had at world domination.

Despite that, too many of us still don't take the threat seriously. There is a huge amount of division among us right now, much of it engineered to keep us distracted and ineffective. And while issues such as illegal immigration, child trafficking, election fraud, and threats from Muslim extremists are all very important, if we keep focusing on those battles we'll lose the war, and if we lose the war we'll have no way to fix the other problems. We'll have no money, no power, no weapons, and no way to communicate. It is critical that all of us focus on the biggest threat we face: the destruction of our freedoms by the elites. They've communicated their intentions to us. They've taken over our governments. They've infiltrated our schools. They own the news media. They're bribing doctors and hospitals. They're within shouting distance of reaching their goals, and we'll still whining about Hillary Clinton. Sure, Clinton is evil, but if you defeat the elites, you defeat her. If you only defeat Clinton, the elites will still be there, pushing their sick agenda forward, day by day, inch by inch. And the same thing applies to all the other endless problems we face today. Stop the rot at its core and the other problems will begin to heal themselves.

This is the most important issue facing humanity and if we get it wrong, future generations will never know what freedom is.

Let's focus and get it right.

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