It's A Slow Moving Apocalypse.

meme about a slow moving apocalypse with bees

It's super fun right now because the vibe is "It's a slow moving apocalypse, but let's act like normal", and we're just trying to go about our day in end-times trauma. It's like trying to clean a room that's swarming with bees.

Is This The Cause Of Global Warming?

global warming caused by the sun?

It's just a wild guess, but I'm thinking global warming might be caused by that giant ball of fire in the sky. I wonder why the climate cultists never mention it? Maybe it's because they can't tax and control the sun, but they can tax and control us!

Tulsi Gabbard Says Joe Biden Is Insane.

Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard discusses Joe Biden's debate performance, and specifically, Biden's failure to acknowledge that nuclear war is the biggest threat facing the world today.

"The problem isn't that he's old. The problem is he's insane."

"Democrats don't have the right to destroy all living creatures on this planet. This man does not belong in the White House. He's a threat to life and liberty. To vote for Biden is to vote for nuclear war and tyranny and the destruction of our democracy. That is a fact."

Chemtrail Spraying Resumes In North Carolina.

After Tennessee outlawed geoengineering over their state, neighboring North Carolina got a break from endless spraying for a few weeks. We actually had blue skies with giant puffy clouds just like in the old days. But it didn't last long. On June 12, 2024, the sky filled up with unnatural streaks emanating from the rear of airplanes, and these streaks quickly expanded, turning the blue sky into a gray haze. Interestingly, in some of the photos, if you look at the white areas you can see gray objects which seem to move from image to image. I didn't see these until I looked at the photos later. These objects may just be artifacts from the camera, but I've taken photos of the sky before and nothing like this was visible. Camera issue? Or objects hiding in the clouds? I don't know, but I'll be looking more closely in the future as I take more photographs.

chemtrails over North Carolina


geoengineering over North Carolina

spraying the sky

airplane bioweapons

These images plus four more can be viewed in full size by downloading my public folder from IceDrive:


The Truth Of Your Existence.

man at prison wall

1: You were born in a cold prison. It is your country, your state.

2: You have to pay for your prison stay. They call these prison fees, "taxes".

3: You have no say in what will be done with the money, but you have to pay.

4: To pay the money you have to work. The prison encourages you to buy new shiny products so you feel better about your miserable existence.

5: You are not allowed to exit the prison.

6: Only a few prisoners have walked far enough to see the prison walls.

7: The prison gives you news and entertainment so you don't discover the prison walls.

8: The prison does not allow strong family bonds or strong brotherhood.

9: The prison you live in wants you weak, sick, and divided. Weak prisoners can't climb the walls.

10: The prison is mostly run by other prisoners. It will collapse if enough prisoners wake up to reality.

[source: Andrycha a.k.a. Ded Drycha]

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