Massive Terror Attack Likely In October.

terrorized girl viewing explosion

Image by Alex Vyshnikov

Most people who are paying attention now realize the deep state, working in cooperation with the radical Democratic Party, is at war with the American people. We've seen suspicious elections, corrupt & politically biased courts, weaponized federal agencies, medical assaults, attacks on our infrastructure including food production, and the entry of millions of illegal immigrants. We have a housing crisis, high inflation, attacks on free speech, runaway spending, a fentanyl epidemic, and military conflicts that could lead to World War III. We're in a lot of trouble, but we didn't get here by accident. 

We're in a Marxist coup, and our domestic enemies want to tear everything down so they can rebuild as a Communist society that imposes total control over all of us, or at least, those of us who aren't sent to the death camps. Who are the Marxists? They are the people who now control the Democratic Party, and they include Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Antony Blinken, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Kathy Hochul, Katie Hobbs, and many others. Helping them are a large number of media personalities such as Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, and the propagandists at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Daily Kos, The Hill, and hundreds of local television stations from coast to coast.

Marxists have been playing a long game since the 1960's, carefully taking over our institutions and indoctrinating us with their collectivist hive-mind bullshit for decades. They've been very patient, but their slowness has given many of us time to wake up and realize what's going on. And then the election of Donald Trump sent them into crisis mode as they began to realize their dreams of a Communist revolution might never become reality. They pulled every stunt they could think of, including a fake pandemic, to get Trump out of the way and to traumatize the rest of us so that we would blindly obey while they completed their coup. But we didn't obey. We organized and communicated. And Trump came back for round two. 

They're getting desperate. They want their revolution. They want total control of everyone and everything. They want to destroy the one thing they talk about the most: democracy. But how will they do it?

The least likely way forward is a win for Kamala Harris in November. It would take a lot of cheating to get Harris in the White House, and you can bet the fraud will be rampant again this year. But she's so unpopular I'm not sure it's possible to cheat enough to guarantee a victory. They need another plan.

The other plan is a false flag event, a massive terror attack so horrible, so traumatic, that it either divides the nation with civil war, or is so disruptive that the election can't take place.

Earlier this year, researcher Ole Dammegard said his intel suggests the next false-flag attack will be either an attack on the Statue of Liberty, or some sort of major event in Florida. I suspect an attack on the Statue of Liberty would be the most traumatic to Americans and would therefore have the most political value to anyone wanting to create social chaos. But a civil war could be sparked by a terror event at Mar-A-Lago, especially if Donald Trump was injured or killed. Recently I've also heard chatter that the White House or the U.S. Capitol building could be targeted, but those buildings are so heavily guarded that choosing either as the target might be so incredible that the public wouldn't accept it as anything but an inside job. But regardless of what is targeted, the attack would be planned and carried out by operatives of the deep state, with the CIA and FBI being the likely suspects, but we can't rule out involvement by Israel's Mossad.

And then the blame game begins. Depending on what is attacked, we'll be told it was done by one of these three: Russia, Iran, or "white nationalists". If Russia or Iran is blamed, a fully kinetic war involving American troops would be the next step in the plan. If white nationalists are blamed, it could be the beginning of a full-on Communist revolution, with martial law and gun confiscation imposed in the name of "public safety", and that could be another way to start a civil war.

Unfortunately, there's no way to predict exactly what will happen next. The people controlling our nation are morally derelict and mentally depraved. They're capable of doing anything, and they're desperate enough to do anything. They're lying to us now and they'll continue lying to us until real justice is restored and the traitors receive whatever punishment is handed to them by a court of moral Americans who respect the Constitution.

But that's in the distant future. We now have less than a month before the election. The threats I've outlined are real possibilities that could happen at any time between today and November 5. Let's pray that God's hand intervenes and keeps us all safe.

Are You A Conspiracy Theorist?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Do you believe a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot and killed President John F. Kennedy? Are you ignoring the evidence that the CIA and other other U.S. government operatives were involved in the assassination and that Oswald was likely set up to take the blame?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

apollo moon lander

Do you believe the United States sent men to the moon way back in 1969 using technology less sophisticated than your cell phone, in a moon lander made of spindly rods, gold foil, and what appears to be cardboard?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

Richard Nixon moon phone

Do you believe that President Richard Nixon talked to the astronauts on the moon using a landline telephone with virtually no time delay in the conversation despite the (alleged) distance, crude technology, and satellite latency?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

world trade center 9/11

Do you believe a man in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrated a massive terror attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 that our intelligence agencies didn't predict and our military was unable to stop?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

chemtrails north carolina

Do you believe the weird streaks in the sky that gradually expand into massive sun-blocking clouds are nothing more than contrails emitted from jet aircraft?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

climate change graphic

Do you ignore thousands of years of climate change and the impact the sun has on our weather and instead believe humans are responsible for a climate disaster that will soon destroy life on Earth?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

CGI image of viruses

Do you believe tiny things called "viruses", which can't be seen in a living state even with an electron microscope, are somehow responsible for a variety of communicable diseases? Do you think these "viruses" spread from person to person making them sick, even though numerous rigorous studies have never successfully proven such a thing happens?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.


Do you believe vials full of mysterious, often undisclosed ingredients can somehow boost your immunity against diseases caused by viruses? Do you think these mysterious, undisclosed ingredients, called "vaccines", have been thoroughly tested and are safe? And do you believe vaccines were the reason many common diseases of the past have largely disappeared?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

Scully and Mulder the truth is out there

The truth is out there. But you have to go find it. 

Notes From Clown World: July 21, 2024.

Donald Trump after July 13 2024 assassination attempt

The first thing to mention is the assassination attempt on Donald Trump that occurred on July 13. I've already posted an in-depth article that listed the details of the event as we knew them at the time. Many others have analyzed the shooting and shared their findings on social media and in podcasts thousands of times in the past week, so I'm not going to give you my theories here. All I want to say about it is, you could spend the rest of your life replaying the videos, talking to witnesses, and interviewing security specialists, and you would still never find the truth of what happened that day. That's because it was engineered to be confusing. I do believe the CIA or the FBI (if not both) were behind the conspiracy to kill Trump, and I believe Thomas Crooks was set up as the scapegoat for the government along the same lines as Lee Harvey Oswald after the John F Kennedy assassination. That's speculation, of course, but it seems pretty solid based on what I've seen so far. Beyond that, I'd just be going down endless rabbit holes of clues, rumors, bad information, and intentional misinformation. It's likely many of the clues we've been given were put there for no other reason than to keep us chasing ghosts and wasting our time. Every clue will lead to another clue which leads to another and another, but the answer will always be just out of reach. And even if you're really good and actually do unravel the mystery, no one in authority will listen to you and no arrests will be made. Congress might also do their own investigation, but like all Congressional investigations, it will be filled with disinformation specialists and witnesses who can't seem to remember anything and the whole thing will quietly disappear into history. We've seen the same thing happen with 9/11 and COVID. 

I'm not telling you to not investigate it. I'm simply telling you where your search is likely to lead. As Winston Churchill said, “It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".

Your time might be better spent elsewhere.

rachel maddow surprised

Joe Biden announced today that he's dropping out of the 2024 Presidential race. It was no surprise to anyone and was long overdue. Most people seemed indifferent about the news, except for MSNBC's top propagandist, Rachel Maddow. She has a well-earned reputation for misrepresenting reality, but her comments about Biden's announcement were even more over the top than usual. 

Maddow said, “I mean, this is just, this is history at large, you know? We all will remember where we were and what we were doing at this moment. What a man, what a patriot. Um, what is selfless devotion to your country. He has been a phenomenal president. He brought us back from COVID. He gave us the best recovery from COVID of any major nation on earth at a time when the world had economically been struggling in the wake of COVID, the Biden economy is literally the envy of the world. He ended the presidency of Donald Trump at one disastrous term. And he did it while being decent and civil and honorable and normal and occasionally boring at a time when boring was absolutely what we needed.”

She continued, “There is no single thing that he has done in that entire career that is a greater or more consequential act of service and sacrifice for this country than what he has done today. Knowing him a little bit, knowing his personality, how I have spoken to him a number of times in my life, in official and unofficial capacities, I cannot see anywhere in his personality where this decision today was possible. This is the opposite of something that is natural or easy for him. He is just not built to do something like this. His superpower is being underestimated. That is why he has been so resolute in resisting all these calls for him to drop out.”

Maddow added, “Him making this decision today is to give the country a chance, a reasonable chance, at not putting Donald Trump back in the White House, not putting a president back in the white house who refused to leave the last time and summoned an angry mob to overthrow the government rather than go. This is Joe Biden saying apparently it is not me that gives us the best chance to do that, that’s got to be somebody else so I will step aside. I’m just blown away by the sacrifice and patriotism this moment embodies.”

Almost everything she said is wrong. I won't go so far as to say she's lying, but if she isn't, then she's living in a different world than the rest of us. Really, it's just Democratic Party propaganda to the extreme. I was going to go line by line and debunk every sentence, which would be easy enough to do, but for the sake of space I won't. Besides, anyone on the right side of a coma can see plainly see the disinformation.

I guess we should be glad she didn't blame Russia.

bird flu chicken with mask

Finally today, the deep state establishment types are still pushing the fraud of bird flu upon us. Australia is considering following Scotland's lead by requiring all backyard birds be registered with the government. That would certainly make it easier for the authorities to destroy our food, which is the main goal of the bird flu scam. An Australian doctor said "We are able to show birds are actively shedding the virus by the amount of virus [the samples] had in them." But the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist, just like all the other viruses that are blamed for nearly every affliction known to man and beast. The evidence against viruses and the vaccines that supposedly stop them is growing by the day. Increasing numbers of highly skilled researchers and doctors are finally speaking out against the myth of virology, a quack science that has harmed or killed millions of people since the first vaccine was administered. In addition to the health risk, the fear of viruses is used as a method of control so that government authoritarians can treat us like the slaves they think we are. There can be no lockdowns, no closing of churches and small businesses, and no forced vaccinations, without the belief that invisible little bugs are trying to hunt us down and kill us.

Worse, with bird flu, when government health officials find a single chicken that tests positive for the virus (using the same easily manipulated PCR tests used to create the COVID psyop), hundreds of thousands if not millions of chickens with no symptoms are culled. "Culled" is just a nice way of saying "killed". Even if they really were infected with something, the culled birds were of no risk to consumers as long as they were properly cooked (the birds, not the consumers).

And in case you think the doctors researching bird flu for the government are full of smarts, here's what one of them said when asked how bird flu spreads:

"They'll sneeze, make these little droplets, if they're the right size, then they'll continue floating in the wind. It can potentially spread on the wind up to a kilometer or so, if the conditions are right."

Bird snot, flying through the air for up to a kilometer, magically lands on another bird, and a pandemic is born.

Believe what you wish. I'm going to KFC for a bucket of chicken.

Bird Flu Is Just Another Psyop To Scare Us Into Giving Up Our Freedom.

Fear-mongering health officials doing the bidding of the global elites are working overtime to create the next pandemic. Even though COVID didn't fit any reasonable definition of a pandemic, most of the public doesn't know it. And they also don't know the next pandemic won't really be a pandemic either. All they'll know is what the lying news media tells them, amplified by workplace and social media gossip. They're going to hear scary stories such as the one about the guy in Mexico who, we're told, dropped dead from bird flu. They won't be told that the deceased had serious health conditions that were the real reason he was hospitalized. No one will ask why he was tested for H5N1, the "virus" blamed for bird flu, even though the deceased had no prior contact with animals. And they certainly won't be told that Mexican officials deny the World Health Organization's claims that the man's death was caused by bird flu. He actually died from kidney failure, but that's not frightening enough for us to accept the widespread culling of millions of chickens or entire herds of cows. They need an invisible, stealthy, and lethal enemy if we're to give up our freedom, meat-based protein, and bodily autonomy. Bird flu will do the job perfectly. Of course, just like with COVID, H5N1 hasn't been isolated and proven to cause any diseases, but with intense propaganda coupled to normal annual flu deaths, the illusion of another pandemic can be created.

Toby Rogers bird flu tweet

Mexican officials refute bird flu claims

Toby Rogers not doing bird flu

The question is: how many people will fall for it this time? Certainly not as many as in 2020. There's been a massive awakening in the past four years and skepticism of the medical industry is at an all-time high. We no longer blindly trust whatever someone in a white lab coat tells us. We ask questions. We want proof. But all the establishment can give us are lies and censorship of the truth. So keep your mind strong and be ready to fight off whatever fake news and fear they throw at us over the next few months. The attacks will be intense and non-stop. Many of our friends and family members will surrender and submit. It's up to the rest of us to push through and bring human society back to sanity. And then comes justice.

This Is Psychological Warfare.

quote on psychological warfare

"You do realize...they are trying to mentally exhaust you and break you down. So when they attempt their next step in their plan... you just give up and fold and comply.

They think because you're tired and sick of arguing and just want shit to go back to normal you'll start giving up your freedoms.

I was not kidding when I said this is PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.

It is NOT for the weak.

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