Notes From Clown World: September 16, 2024.

hide yo pets

Everyday Americans are finally beginning to see the problems associated with mass immigration. From Venezuelan crime gangs roaming the streets of Colorado, to deadly fentanyl destroying families, to the severe housing crisis that grows worse by the day, people are seeing the impact of letting millions of foreigners enter the country. Most of the newcomers are here illegally, something the Marxists in the Democratic Party are fine with. But even many Republicans are looking the other way when the right amount of money is involved. Now adding to the stress is the introduction of Haitian refugees to the city of Springfield Ohio. Haitians destroyed their own nation, so American politicians decided it would be a great idea to bring a bunch of them here rather than helping the Haitians fix their homeland. It's amazing how we can spend billions of dollars on banker's wars around the world, but the international community can't come together to make Haiti a livable place. Send them to Ohio instead. And now we're getting multiple reports from the residents of Springfield that their new Haitian neighbors are misbehaving, violating private property, driving like madmen, and even abducting and eating people's pets. Of course, government officials, who are perpetual liars, are denying anything is wrong at all. These officials are ignoring the pleas of local citizens, probably because of the millions of dollars the federal government gives state and local governments to accept immigrants into their communities. Money buys a lot of corruption, and politicians are notoriously corrupt. That won't change any time soon. So I suggest you buy a gun, build a fence, and "hide yo pets".

Austrian covid conviction

A woman in Austria was found guilty of fatally infecting her neighbor with COVID-19 in 2021. A judge sentenced the 54-year-old on Thursday to four months’ suspended imprisonment and an 800-euro fine ($886.75) for grossly negligent homicide. The victim died of pneumonia that was allegedly caused by the coronavirus, according to Austrian news agency APA. A virological report showed that the virus DNA matched both the deceased and the 54-year-old woman, proving that the defendant “almost 100 percent” transmitted it, an expert told the court.

Obviously the "expert" and the judge aren't aware that SARS-CoV-2, the alleged virus that causes COVID-19, has never been isolated, replicated, or otherwise proven to exist. Hundreds of FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests have gone out all over the world, but proof of SAR-CoV-2 has never been provided. In fact, government agencies usually reply that they have nothing at all.

It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, a person can be convicted of purposely infecting another person with a virus, since viruses have never been proven to cause any diseases. There's even a considerable amount of uncertainty that viruses exist at all. Virology is a theory, nothing more. And yet the medical industrial complex portrays it as scientifically proven and then sells us dangerous, useless vaccines to protect us from things they can't prove exist. Governments jump on the bandwagon and use viruses as tools for social control. Without the mythical little bugs, there could be no forced masking, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. Virology is a scam that needs to end. The sooner, the better.

liberals in a nutshell

I like this cartoon. It really illustrates the mindset of most Democrats. I've never met one who really cares who the candidate is or what their policy positions are. As long as the candidate is a Democrat, nothing else matters. Nothing proves this better than Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. A few years ago she dropped out of the race because no one liked her. She couldn't win a primary anywhere. During her nearly four years as vice-president, she was largely ignored and dismissed by party loyalists. Then the party's elites anointed Harris as their grand leader without letting rank & file Democrats vote on the matter, and just like the elites expected, everyone got in line behind her and the praise has been non-stop ever since. Are Democrats unable to think for themselves? Why are they so eager to comply with whatever the party's elites tell them to do? I can only assume that weak minds crave direction. But weak minds are also very easy to manipulate.

statin drugs for kids

The corrupt medical industrial complex is now pushing statin drugs for children. Although many doctors have said statin drugs are the most dangerous ever created, causing numerous health problems while not reducing overall fatalities from heart disease (the reason the drug is prescribed), rather than take statins off the market, doctors are doubling down and recommending them to even more people. It's hard to imagine why a 15 year old would benefit from taking heart medication. Can we look at the child's lifestyle, such as their daily exercise, the types of foods they're eating, or the environmental toxins they're exposed to? Nope, just get them on pills and keep them dependent on the medical system until their insurance runs out of money. That's what we now call "healthcare" in the western world. If you're smart, you won't play their game. Your health is your own responsibility. Take charge of it.

How They Plan To Take Your House.

man looking at abandoned building

In this video, Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen tells how the global deep state plans to take away your house and turn you into a permanent renter. They tell us it's to combat climate change and save the planet, but in reality it's a step toward returning society to a feudal age, separated into the super wealthy and the super poor. 

Although this video has a European perspective, the same plans have been discussed for the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In fact, home ownership is threatened anywhere the globalists are able to spread their extreme, anti-human agenda. 

Share this video with your friends and family. Mass awareness is how we win.

The Inhumanity Of Donald Trump.

Let's get this out of the way first: like most living, breathing, legitimate voters, I voted for Donald Trump in 2020. I didn't vote at all in 2016. I knew Hillary was fake and corrupt, but I couldn't work out my feelings about Trump back then. I had a nagging feeling he was going to let us down in a big way, so I stayed home. But after four years of watching him at least attempt to do good things for America while the Communists and their Democratic Party allies worked endlessly to tear him apart, my opinion of Trump began to change. By 2020 he had won me over, and I enthusiastically gave him my support and my vote.

But since then my enthusiasm has been slipping away, mostly due to the words coming out of his own mouth. 

Trump's positions on two issues are so callous and insensitive I have to wonder just how decent and moral a man he really is.

The first issue is his unrepentant stance on the covid vaccines. When he announced Operation Warp Speed, even his critics were hopeful the program would be a success. And when the vaccines reached the market in record time, we trusted they would be as "safe and effective" as promised. But it didn't take long before reports began coming in about horrible side effects and deaths among the jabbed. Many of us saw early-on that something was seriously wrong with the vaccines, but the media suppressed the carnage while the government continued its "safe and effective" propaganda. And Trump's support for the vaccines continued even after he left office in 2021. The body count kept growing, with CDC reports indicating tens of thousands of victims of vaccine harm. But Trump didn't warn us. He didn't tell us to stop getting vaccinated. He kept on being a cheerleader for the jabs, even when the death toll surpassed 34,000 people in the US alone, plus hundreds of thousands who were seriously injured but haven't (yet) died.

In late 2021 Trump said "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines, all are very, very good.," referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots. He didn't mention the risks. He didn't mention the injuries. He didn't mention the dead.

At a rally in Alabama, Trump told the crowd “I recommend, take the vaccines. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines.”

In an interview he told Candace Owens, "People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.” But people were dying, and people are still dying from Trump's experimental vaccines. And to this day in 2023, he still hasn't acknowledged the harm being done nor apologized to any of its victims or the families of the dead.

As if Trump's insensitivity on the vaccine issue isn't enough, he's now stumbled into another controversy that makes him look cold and out of touch. On April 18 he posted a video on his Truth Social account titled "Homelessness Plan." 

In it, Trump said "the homeless, the drug-addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged" had ruined America's cities, "turn every park and sidewalk into a place for them to squat and do drugs. When I'm back in the White House, we will use every tool, lever, and authority" to "end the scourge of homelessness and make our cities clean and safe and beautiful once again."

How would he do this? "Working with states, we will ban urban camping wherever possible…. We will then open up large parcels of inexpensive land; bring in doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug rehab specialists; and create tent cities where the homeless can be relocated and their problems identified."

Let's unpack this. He calls homelessness a "scourge", which is essentially saying the homeless themselves are a scourge. We've all seen homeless encampments in big cities and no one would argue that they're good for the communities they exist in. But Trump is implying the homeless aren't quite human and need to be cleared out of the cities in which they live, the same cities where they likely grew up, and still have family, friends, and some level of support. His plan makes poverty a crime, punishable by losing one's right to live freely without government interference. Do the homeless use drugs? Some do, but not all of them. And while drug abuse can cause homelessness, it's also true that homelessness often leads to drug abuse. When people lose hope, they find ways to numb the pain. Are the homeless "violent and dangerously deranged"? No more so than the general population. Most, in fact, prefer to stay calm to avoid any encounters with the police.

I agree that having more doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug rehab specialists would be helpful, but these resources need to be available where people are right now. Rounding people up and shipping them off like cattle to government-run tent cities is inhumane and reminiscent of how the Nazi's treated the Jews and anyone else they considered to be undesirable. Trump's plan completely ignores that the United States has an affordable housing shortage of nearly 7 million homes. It ignores that rents across the country have nearly doubled in the past year while wages have remained stagnant. It ignores that local zoning regulations and building codes, along with inflation, have made the cost of home construction prohibitively high. Cheaper options such as tiny houses and mobile homes are banned in many cities, leaving low income earners few choices other than sleeping in their cars or living in tents. Here in the world's richest nation, we have senior citizens being evicted due to staggering rent increases, with nowhere to go. Trump would force them onto a bus and ship them to a tent city where they would live with all the other undesirables...the drug addicted, the violent, the dangerously deranged.

Trump's plan is the most immoral, inhumane, out of touch proposal I've ever heard from a man who seriously thinks he deserves to sit in the White House again. Combined with his shockingly insensitive and unapologetic stance on the covid vaccines, I have to wonder if he truly has the moral character to make America great again.

We need to find out before November 2024.

Your Silence Is Killing People.

The world spent $1735 Billion on war in 2012. It would take approximately $135 Billion to eradicate poverty.

The world's wealthiest people could end poverty but they don't really care about us. And the rest of us could force change if we stopped pretending this problem doesn't exist.

More than 150 million people are homeless, worldwide. More than 600 million people live in extreme poverty, making less than two dollars a day. And more than 3 million children die from hunger every year.

And now you know, what are you going to do to make a difference?

Step Ahead Of The Coming Collapse.

Fighting a broken system run by psychopathic fascists doesn't have to stress you out. There are simple steps you can take to get ahead of the coming collapse that won't break your budget but will help you sleep better at night. Consider doing as many of these as you can, as fast as you can, and you'll be in a far better position than most (if not all) of your neighbors.

Buy Food

With record inflation taking serious bites out of everyone's paychecks, each passing week your money is able to buy less and less food. Think of food as an investment. A bag of coffee that sells for $4 today could sell for $8 by this time next year. Stocking up on essentials with long shelf lives will not only give you food security, it will also give you something you can sell or barter during a famine or economic collapse. Staples such as sugar, flour, rice, corn meal, spices, canned food, beans, and grains are vital to have in storage. Coffee, chocolate, and liquor are good to have too, especially to sell. If you don't think you have the money to stock up on food, try buying one or two extra packages whenever you go to the grocery store. You can stick to your list but buy two bags of sugar instead of one this week, then two bags of rice instead of one next week. Over time you'll see your inventory begin to build up, and you'll sleep better knowing you're better prepared than your neighbors. And don't forget your pets. You're going to be stressed out if Fluffy runs out of kibble on day 3 of the apocalypse.

Make Food

We're so used to buying everything ready-made, the idea of actually making food seems like an impossible task. But making butter is one of the easiest things you can do. Once you do it you'll wonder why anyone ever buys the stuff in a plastic tub. You can also easily make your own pasta, jerky, and candy without buying a lot of expensive equipment. Buy or make a still and vodka and moonshine can be made in your kitchen using only simple ingredients. Even if you don't drink, alcohol can be used to disinfect surfaces and wounds, making it a very valuable commodity during a societal collapse.

Learn How To Preserve Food

Having extra food is great, but keeping it from spoiling or being eaten by insects and mice is even better. Take the time to learn how to can food like grandma used to do. Buy a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer. If you have space for it, buy a chest style freezer to give you more space for meats and vegetables. In times past, salt was used to preserve meat. Pickling is another option. It isn't difficult to preserve and protect food, but it's becoming a lost skill. It's a good time to bring that skill back.

Grow Food

Everyone needs to be growing food right now. It takes time to grow food, so you don't want to wait until there's another lockdown or the store shelves are bare. You'll need seeds, soil, and fertilizer, which you can buy now even if you don't plan to begin your garden right away. If you live in an apartment or you don't think you're physically able to dig in the dirt, try planting tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs in containers. Another great option is hydroponic gardening. There's a bit of a learning curve to get started but it can be done in limited space with no dirt and no electricity. The Kratky method uses nothing but water, nutrients, sunlight, and seeds. You can even build your growing setup from leftover buckets and food containers. And with both dirt gardening using containers and hydroponics, your food factory can be moved indoors during the winter if you have sunny windows or if you buy some grow lights. You can be eating healthy salads while your neighbors scrounge around in dumpsters, but only if you get started today.

Store Water

Buy safe containers for water storage and fill them up. Keep at least five gallons of water on hand at the very minimum, much more if you have the space. Get a water filter that safely filters "found" water such as creeks and puddles. This is a special filter that can remove bacteria and viruses, and not the same one you normally use to filter tap water. I recommend the Epic Nano filter. It's the first water filter pitcher designed to remove up to 99.999% of all tap water contaminants including bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, and viruses. (I suggest you pre-filter water you've gathered from streams using a paper coffee filter to remove as much debris and sediment as possible before you run it through your Epic filter.) And speaking of creeks, this is a good time to scout your neighborhood to find nearby water sources. Satellite maps are a good way to find sources you didn't know existed.

Leave The Stock Market And Big Banks

The stock market has been dropping lately, and much of it is because the wealthiest investors are moving their money to safer places. Unless you know more than Warren Buffet it's probably a good idea to protect yourself and invest in something safer than stocks. As mentioned above, food is a great investment during inflationary times. Silver, gold, and platinum are solid options too. I prefer small silver rounds and coins because they're easier to trade for goods and services than the much more expensive gold and platinum products. If you're trying to buy a tank of gas you don't want to be in a position where all you have to trade is a gold coin worth $2000. And remember that the value of any cash you're holding is dropping by the second. Now is the time to buy the things you know you're going to need over the next year or two even if you don't need them today. Vehicles, office equipment, tools, clothing, and furniture are only going to go up in price. But spend the money on durable goods you really need, not frivolous toys you can do without. If your water heater barely heats or your roof is leaking, it will be substantially cheaper to fix them now than to wait 6 months. 

Another way to protect your assets is to leave the super large banks that don't know you and don't care about your needs. Look for local and regional banks with solid leadership, where you can build a real relationship and not be just another account number at an institution owned by heartless, greedy globalists.

Cryptocurrency is another option that I'll discuss in another article. But I will say now that in a SHTF scenario with widespread power outages and possibly a government-induced shutdown of the internet, cryptocurrency would be almost impossible to use. It will do you little good to have $1000 worth of Bitcoin if you can't go online to send it anywhere. A pint of homemade vodka would have a lot more value.

Light Up Your Life

Be prepared with some form of backup power for your phone. Power banks are good but the ones with solar recharging capabilities are much better. Buy battery operated LED lights to place around your house and make sure they're bright enough to read a book by. Use rechargeable batteries and then keep extra batteries and a solar charger on hand. Portable folding solar panels are available for under $100. Candles, oil lamps, and camping style cook stoves are also good to have. Having these items at hand will put you in a better position if the local power company shuts down. When things get bad you want to be at home behind locked doors and not caught up in the looting at Walmart looking for a flashlight.

Pleasure Yourself

Have entertainment available that doesn't run on electricity. You don't want to be draining your batteries playing games on your phone during the end times. Buy books, games, puzzles, and hobby supplies now so you'll have something to occupy your mind and time if you're trapped inside your house for days or weeks.

Be Ready To Roll

Keep your car full of fuel, especially when you see prices are increasing. It costs you money to have an empty gas tank when prices at the pump are rising 5 cents a day. When prices are dropping you can save money by holding off until you're at the 1/4 full mark, but that puts you at risk of not having enough fuel to get you safely out of town if the worst happens. This is also a good time to buy a bicycle. Bikes can go where cars can't, and they're faster than walking. Being ready to roll could also refer to having a bug-out bag, but that's a topic for another post on another day.

While this is a lengthy list, it is by no means complete. You can always do more to be prepared. And the more prepared you are, the less dependent you will be on a broken and collapsing society and the manipulative fools who currently run it. 

(This article first appeared on my other blog,, which is being merged with this one.)

'15 Minute Cities' Are Prisons In Disguise.

The evil globalists at the World Economic Forum have a new scheme to control us: 15 minute cities. It's a new way to plan cities so that all your needs are met within 15 minutes of your home. In 15 minute cities, each neighborhood should fulfill six social functions: living, working, supplying, caring, learning and enjoying. In other words, everything you do will be in easy reach, allowing you to stay close to home and eliminating the need to own a car. This will allegedly make you happier while helping the climate change cult reach their insane goals. But as with most ideas that come from the WEF and other globalist organizations, this one has a sinister component that isn't being widely publicized: to make the plan work, you'll be locked in to your neighborhood. You won't be able to leave without special permission from the government. In fact in the city of Oxfordshire England, which plans to test this scheme in 2024, electronic gates will be installed to confine residents to their neighborhoods. Anyone escaping will have to pay a hefty fine. And everyone will be monitored and tracked using surveillance cameras and vehicle license plate readers. 

In 15 minute cities not only will you be locked inside your neighborhood, but you'll be totally dependent upon the government and their corporate partners (can you say "fascism"?) for everything. You won't have space to garden. You won't be able to raise chickens. You won't have your own water source such as a well or rainwater. You won't be allowed to own a car. Public transport or a bike will be your only options. And you'll be forced to get multiple vaccines every year to prevent outbreaks of scary diseases that the news media will talk about relentlessly.

Does this sound like a happy place to be, or does it sound like a prison?

If the 15 minute city trial-run is a success in England, meaning no one pushes back against it but rather weakly accepts it as "just the way things are", then you can expect to see the concept roll out in other cities worldwide. In fact, while researching for this article, I found a large number of articles from the usual propaganda sources talking about how great the 15 minute city idea is and how even government officials in the United States are already trying to steer their communities to this dystopian vision. Of course they use cheerful, encouraging language to sell their scheme rather than being truthful about what it will eventually lead to.

The video below from 'Redacted' gives a brief overview of what 15 minute cities will be like. It will only take 17 minutes of your time to watch, which is well worth it because if we don't stop the maniacal globalists we'll living in their digitally controlled prisons forever. Education keeps you free, especially if you're able to enlighten a few of your friends, neighbors, or relatives.

For a deeper dive check out this article at Spiked Online: The Madness Of The '15-Minute City'. Or using any uncensored search engine, type in "15 minute city" and explore the results. Most will be propaganda articles but even those are informative since they show how the general public will be tricked into accepting their own enslavement.

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