Who Really Runs The World?

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According to The Light Paper UK, "no matter who you vote for, it is these people who make most decisions for ALL governments": the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers (and JPMorgan Chase), Henry Kissinger (now deceased) and the Trilateral Commission, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Fink (Blackrock), Tony Blair, Larry Page, Mark Carney, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, King Charles III, Simon Case, and Sue Gray. 

Before you dismiss any of these choices, read the explanations provided by each person's photo. Many of these people are influential in ways you may not have thought of. 

I think the list is accurate, but there's no doubt in my mind that several other shady characters could be added too. Benjamin Netanyahu is hugely influential, especially in American and UK politics. Barack Obama doesn't run the world, but he's still hanging out with powerful people in the United States, pushing the radical left agenda within the Democratic Party. Albert Borla, CEO of Pfizer, is another person who has exerted a tremendous amount of power in nations all over the world, strong-arming leaders into buying his toxic vaccines that were then forced upon the public. And let's not forget William J. Burns, the director of the CIA, along with all the prior directors of that insanely wicked agency that conducts illegal experiments on American citizens, overthrows foreign governments, instigates wars, and tirelessly spreads propaganda to manipulate the world stage. 

And some would argue that everyone mentioned here is nothing but a puppet for the truly powerful people who remain carefully hidden in the shadows. But the light is getting brighter, and soon there will be no more shadows, no more places to hide.

New Documentary Exposes The Frightening Agenda Of Klaus Schwab.

Filmmaker Richard Jeffs has put together a great documentary that exposes Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the global plans for a "great reset". Although similar films have been made before, this one brings together all the seemingly unrelated elements of Schwab's plan and shows us how they all lead to one place: communism. Or I should say, communism engineered by sociopaths and enforced by constant surveillance and artificial intelligence. A hellish world where the top 1/2 of one percent own everything, and the rest of us get crumbs, but only if we behave and obey the elites.

I highly recommend you watch 'Stakeholder Communism' and let it connect the dots about the frightening future heading our way, unless we rise up and stop it now.

You can watch it here, but if you prefer to see it on the Rumble site, here's the link: Stakeholder Communism

Switzerland Protects Criminal Globalists.

This brief video featuring Pascal Najadi gives an overview of how Switzerland protects criminal globalist organizations, such as GAVI, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum, by giving them immunity from prosecution. Swiss neutrality must be restored so these organizations can be held accountable, and future generations can live free from medical tyranny.


Own Nothing. Be Happy.

A.I. Klaus Schwab

The world's real life Bond villain, Klaus Schwab, sings his version of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" in this creepy video made with the help of A.I. [video creator unknown]

America Is A Captured Nation, And Mel K Is Naming Our Enemies.

Mel K and David Whited of The Flyover Conservatives have an in-depth discussion on the current state of America and how both Democrats and Republicans (the "uniparty") are conspiring to destroy us from within and turn one-world government into a reality. Mel tells us who our enemies are and how they're manipulating us to fight over petty issues as a distraction away from the real crimes.

Is there a way to fix this mess? Yes! The solution is simple, but you'll have to watch the video to find out how.

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