Virology Is A Myth Used To Frighten & Control Us.

We've barely gotten past the COVID psycho-pandemic and we're already being told to fear a new one, this time called "bird flu". Just like with COVID, bird flu is said to be caused by a highly contagious invisible gremlin called a "virus". But is there any truth to what we're being told? Do viruses exist, and if so, can they make us sick? Let's ask the experts:

Doctor Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a highly respected medical doctor who has researched virology extensively. In this interview with Jeremy Nell (Jerm Warfare), Dr. Kaufman explains in layman's terms why everything we were taught in school about viruses is wrong, and why terrain theory is the logical path to good health.

[Listen Here] or [Download It]

researcher Christine Massey

Biostatistician Christine Massey collated Freedom of Information responses from hundreds of institutions in 40 different countries. Here's what she found: a "virus" that was never isolated, what is actually used for a PCR procedure, and a lie so big that everyone believed it. You'll hear this plus much more in this interview with David Knight.

[Listen Here] or [Download It]

Are We Going Cuckoo For Bird Flu?

insane man in asylum with chickens

If you thought pandemic madness was over and life would soon return to normal, think again. The medical industrial complex and the corrupt public health officials who support it are pushing hard to create a new scare: bird flu. And just like last time, they're claiming a virus which has never been isolated and proven to exist is spreading wildly, but among birds, cows, and cats in addition to humans.

bird flu fear porn referencing cats

The symptoms are just as vague as they were with COVID, and cases are being found the same way too, using PCR tests that can be manipulated to find anything authorities want to find. So far, these tests have led to the deaths of millions of chickens. It only takes one bird testing positive for all the rest to be culled. In addition to economic damage to the industry, the policy of culling entire flocks creates unnecessary food shortages and drives up prices for consumers at the grocery store.

As expected, the discredited CDC is working with the paid propagandists of the news media to spread bird flu fear porn, and sadly, many Americans are believing the misinformation, having not learned any lessons from 2020. The latest propaganda says that the bird flu virus has "mutated", enabling it to infect people. But doctors outside of the medical industrial complex have said there's no way a virus can mutate and jump from species to species as fast as we're told it's allegedly happening, assuming viruses exist and cause infectious diseases at all.

sample headlines about bird flu

news graphic about bird flu

Although the fear porn has been endless, the actual symptoms human patients are exhibiting are hardly frightening. The main symptom mentioned so far is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. The media claimed one person in Louisiana died of bird flu, but state health officials luckily refused to validate that claim. It looks like we may be facing another round of "he died with COVID", not "he died of "COVID". Just replace "COVID" with bird flu and you're all set. How many people will be admitted to the emergency room after an accident and then be forced to get a PCR test that magically finds evidence of a virus, so that case numbers can be driven up? It happened before. It can happen again. Will we believe it next time?

Remember "asymptomatic infection"? That's a term dishonest health officials used back in 2020 to scare us into lockdowns and isolation. There was never any science behind it. If you have no symptoms, you aren't contagious. But the scare tactic worked, and people become afraid to be anywhere near another person. Since isolation is a great way to break people psychologically and make them obedient to authorities, they're using the same tactic again with bird flu. Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, began hinting about asymptomatic infection back on December 26. Her statements are part of the softening up stage before rolling out the psyop in full force. By slowing dripping buzzwords and scary comments into the public space months in advance, authorities hope we'll be more accepting of whatever they throw at us later. 

Dr Theresa Tam

[For more about Dr. Theresa Tam and her involvement in the bird flu psyop, check out this page and video by Dr. Sam Bailey.]

You might think none of this is any big deal. Surely people won't fall for another pandemic psyop so soon after the last one. But you'd be wrong. Already on left-leaning social media sites such as BlueSky and Mastodon, those connected to the hive mind are showing their fear. Many are demanding the return of face masks. I've even seen posts warning that COVID is still around, eagerly seeking someone to infect. 

social media post criticizing anti-maskers

Mastodon post about covid

We can't go down this road again. COVID was nothing but a psycho-pandemic, an invention of evil minds hellbent on destroying as many of us as they could and turning the rest of us into passive, obedient slaves. Bird flu is no different, except this time our food supply will be severely impacted, making us more dependent on government assistance. And government assistance always comes with a terrible price to pay, both financially and spiritually. We have to get out ahead of this and educate as many people as possible about this scam, while we still can. The authorities can "flip a switch" and turn this into a worldwide "pandemic" at any moment, locking us into our homes, destroying our food, and turning neighbors against each other through the power of global propaganda. They've already got some people believing pink eye is bird flu. What else are they capable of?

Absolutely anything.

Mengele trust the science

Another Look At The Indoctrinated Left On Social Media.

boy wearing water bottle as a face mask

It's time to take another look at the stupid, hateful, and sometimes insane posts I've found on left-leaning social media sites. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone, somewhere, is about to surprise you with a fresh dose of crazy. Let's take a look:

banners of intolerance

Our first post demonstrates the love and tolerance of the left. We have banners of a skull & crossbones, a pentagram, the ANTIFA logo, and right in the middle, a banner that says "trans rights or riot nights". Can you feel the love? This is the sort of tolerance that leads to mostly peaceful protests and burned cities.

CNN screenshot of mostly peaceful protest

Mastodon post about psychological projection

Seen above is a post on the leftist swamp called Mastodon. Chris accuses Republicans of "projection", the tactic of accusing the other side of things you're actually doing. Trouble is, Democrats are the masters of projection, having successfully used the tactic for decades. Nancy Pelosi is the queen of projection, something she's actually bragged about. I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but I have to defend them against this post. They suck at projection and most other psychological tricks, which is why they lose so many elections. Yes, most Republicans are scum, but the Democrats always manage to out-scum them, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Mastodon post of the left defending the IRS

And now the left is defending the IRS and taxes. In this post, 'Democracy Matters' is worried that cuts to the Internal Revenue Service's budget will add to the national debt. They can't comprehend the idea of cutting spending. They also don't question the legality of the IRS, which has no Constitutional authority to exist. Government is sacred to them, and they'll happily let it control every aspect of their lives. It's the last refuge of the mentally enslaved masses.

Matt Blaze defends Wikipedia

Someone needs to tell Matt Blaze that Wikipedia is no longer an impartial, independent source of information. It's been infiltrated by intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI. Wikipedia has become politically biased and tends to serve up pro-establishment narratives. Co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, had this to say: “If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power. And they do that.” He said it (Wikipedia) “seems to assume that there is only one legitimate defensible version of the truth on any controversial question. That’s not how Wikipedia used to be.” [source]

Perhaps Matt would like to rethink his post?

Mastodon post mocking Kyle Rittenhouse

In the post above, "Vee" has reposted something from Twitter/X. Kyle Rittenhouse posted a verse from the Bible, and Ryan Pinesworth replied with "You quoting scripture is like Dahmer quoting cookbooks." This is the kind of hateful comment we're gotten so used to from the left. Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges, making his use of a firearm self-defense. But the left doesn't respect the law, they only respect power. If the law gets in the way of their agenda, the law has to be ignored, and that's why they see Rittenhouse as their enemy. He defended himself against radical leftists, and the court agreed. But that outcome doesn't help the agenda, so Rittenhouse is mocked and compared to a serial killer. It's essentially a mockery of the law.

Ferris Bueller anyone anyone

"your auntifa liza" posted this slice of mental chaos: "suburban white people not used to describing white monsters". Does anyone know what she's talking about? Anyone?

man defends wearing face masks 

Last for today, I'm seeing fresh fear from the left about COVID and bird flu. The global deep state seems determined to launch another "pandemic" to help usher in the technocratic world order. The fact that no viruses for either COVID or bird flu have ever been isolated and proven to exist makes no difference. Military-grade propaganda campaigns are the most powerful contagions of all. Social media sites are being seeded with scary news about outbreaks of bird flu and new "variants" of COVID, and the weak-minded and compliant leftists seem to be believing all of it. It's sad to see people fall for another psyop. But it's pathetic to see that people are still in so much fear from the last one that they're still wearing face masks. In the post above, "GeePawHill" declares, "I have worn a mask in every enclosed space I've been in for four years. I have not the slightest intention of allowing anyone, armed or not, ignorant or not, force me to remove it." What can I say to that? I'd like to insult "GeePawHill", but I can't. I actually feel sorry for him. He's listened to years of misinformation fed to him by government propagandists and medical industry profiteers. The propaganda was convincing and relentless, and it continues to this very day.

I hope he finds his way back to the truth and the light.

Toxic Chemicals & Biological Debris.

Dr Mark Bailey quote about the dangerous ingredients in vaccines

"Vaccination: the insane practice of injecting toxic chemicals and biological debris into the body to protect against mythical viruses and benevolent bacteria." -- Dr. Mark Bailey, MD

Beware Of Biologics.

What are biologics?

"Biological products include a wide range of products such as vaccines, blood and blood components, allergenics, somatic cells, gene therapy, tissues, and recombinant therapeutic proteins." -- source: FDA

In medical procedures you should have the ability to give informed consent before anything is done to you. If you're conscious and not in crisis when the procedure is done, you should have time to ask questions and make sure you're comfortable with whatever is proposed.

But what if you're not conscious and someone else signs your consent forms? What if you're going in for minor surgery and you sign the forms after giving them a quick look? What are you consenting to?

Unfortunately in today's medical industry, where the professionals are often ethically compromised or pressured into conformity by profit-driven administrators, your signature may be authorizing things you weren't the COVID vaccine. 

That's because consent forms often include the term "biologics". And by signing the forms you are inadvertently granting permission to be injected with anything the hospital staff decides to give you, including vaccines that are completely unnecessary for the procedure you went in for. They can even vaccinate you while you're unconscious and you'll never know unless you see your medical chart or find a charge for it on your hospital bill. 

I don't know of a foolproof way of protecting yourself from this, other than writing "no vaccines authorized", along with your initials, on your consent forms. Then you have to hope your directions are read, respected, and followed. 

Don't be overly trusting or passive about your healthcare. Stay informed & alert, read the forms, and protect your rights.

Revelations: December 12, 2024.

vaccines aren't about health, they're about control

image by Revellati

Não é sobre saúde, é sobre controle! // It's not about health, it's about control!

No one. Not a single one of us regrets NOT taking it. In fact, we become increasingly grateful that we didn't fall for it.

meme: no regrets about not taking the covid vaccine

Sasha Latypova is an excellent researcher, and Dr Mike Yeadon is a former executive at Pfizer, so the two combined are a powerful source of factual information, especially on pharmaceutical issues. Mike recently replied to Sasha's substack article about the covid vaccines. I felt like Mike's reply was powerful enough on its own and needs to be seen by more people. I've reposted an image of it below, with a transcript of the key points further down.

Substack comment by Dr Mike Yeadon

"So far there's been too little mention that not only was there no pandemic, no public health emergency, nor a new illness, instead, deliberately mischaracterized existing illnesses, medical murder, a persistent and pan media lying campaign, culminating in mass administration of obviously superfluous, useless, and intentionally harmful injections.

I know little to nothing about how these materials for injection got made, but I know this: after 30+ years working with teams engaged in rational design of new medicinal entities, then evaluating them pre-clinically through toxicology and into early clinical trials: these injections were designed to harm recipients.

No other outcome is built into their designs. Toxicity is always a question of dose, persistence, distribution, clearance, susceptibility, etc. So not everyone was harmed. Those who were harmed were not always harmed immediately, because there were built into them multiple, independent, unnecessary and obvious mechanisms of toxicity. 

I make these claims based on training in biochemistry and mechanistic toxicology, respiratory pharmacology, and several decades in biopharmaceutical R&D. 

I do claim to have been among the earliest, qualified people to have called out what I expected to happen from mass administrations of these intentionally harmful materials. Unfortunately it's not the end, possibly the end of the beginning, for monsters are going to scare & coerce many more people to roll up their sleeves yet. There's no benign interpretation of the build-out around the world for products of this kind & the capacity to manufacture tens of billions of doses annually." -- Dr Mike Yeadon

Solzhenitsyn quote about authorities lying to us

"We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

meme about the huge amount of money spent to brainwash the public

"If you only knew how much money was spent to brainwash you, you would realize how special you are."

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