Revelations: September 02, 2024.

'Revelations' is a new, recurring feature of my blog that will expose immorality in the world. I realize these posts may seem negative and depressing, but I think the best way to stop evil is to shine a light on it and not let it hide. Unfortunately, we live in a world where powerful people and a dishonest news media twist facts, invert the truth, and hide reality to keep us controlled and themselves in power. 'Revelations' will help you see the deceit.

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” - Ephesians 5:11

Israeli hatred in their own words

The hatred and immorality of Israeli's, in their own words.

protest for 18,000 dead children in Gaza

From the United Kingdom: An elderly man with crutches took part in a pro-Palestine demonstration in Blackburn, holding a sign condemning the brutal killing of children in Gaza. How many more innocent kids must die to satisfy Israel's bloodlust?

kamala harris pro-abortion bus tour

Kamala Harris announced a 50-stop "reproductive rights" bus tour. I don't understand the radical left's obsession with killing babies. They seem to under the influence of dark, anti-human forces that compel them to sacrifice children. The Democrats have become the party of pedophilia and infanticide, and sadly, many Republicans are compromising their morals and supporting abortion in a desperate attempt to maintain political power.

democrats love abortion

children should be protected by law

"Children and unborn children should be protected by law and welcomed into life." Protect the innocent.

polio vaccination in Gaza

Israel pauses genocide to give kids toxic vaccines

As if killing innocent children with bombs and bullets isn't enough, the massacre in Gaza is being paused just long enough to administer harmful polio vaccines to children, despite overwhelming evidence that polio isn't caused by a virus. Past polio outbreaks have been linked to exposure to toxins such as mercury and DDT. It's incredible that the world community can find a way to inject kids with chemicals but can't find a way to provide food and clean water.


"The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system using flawed PCR tests that can be manipulated. A UN report admitted that the virus that was found was vaccine-derived. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) have targeted children aged between one day and 10 years to receive the type two poliovirus vaccine, to be administered as two doses of novel/new oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2). Critics predict that the new oral polio vaccine, instead of the polio ‘virus’, will be the cause of illness in vaccinated children.

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 40,700 Palestinians, including close to 17,500 children. Instead of allowing food and water into Gaza and rebuilding sanitation systems, polio vaccines will be forced on the population under the claim of concern for children. In the past, vaccines have caused illness, death and sterility. Sadly, in the weeks and months ahead we will see babies and children die and become crippled in Gaza, not only due to the war, but also because of this mass vaccination campaign with the new Oral Polio Vaccine."

Finally for today, the video above shows Irish teacher Enoch Burke being arrested in Ireland for defying orders to refer to a male student as "she/her," standing firm in his refusal due to his Christian beliefs. The formerly strong and free nation of Ireland has fallen to the oppressive New World Order model of police-state authoritarianism. Will the Irish people rise up before it goes full totalitarian?

325 Days Of Genocide In Gaza.

325 days of genocide in Gaza

This is what "God's chosen people" have done to the people of Gaza: 40,435 killed. 93,534 wounded. 3,524 massacres. 50,435 killed & missing. 16,589 children killed. 115 infants born & killed., 11,207 women killed. 36 starved to death. 885 doctors killed. 171 journalists killed.

Don't look away.

Speak up for the voiceless people of Gaza who are being relentlessly hunted by the demonic powers of Israel, helped by the United States and the United Kingdom. 

Stop the killing.

Israel's War Crimes Have Caused Unimaginable Human Suffering.

313 days of Israel's war crimes in Gaza

[Infographic source: Anadolu Ajansı]

As of August 14, 2024, Israeli criminals have killed 39,965 Palestinians in Gaza. Of those casualties, at least 16,320 were children who the Israeli's consider to be future terrorists, and at least 10,990 were women, who the Israeli's consider to be breeders of future terrorists. But most of the world knows that the real terrorists are the Israeli's and the politicians within the United States and the United Kingdom who support the savage attacks both financially and militarily. 

Meanwhile, other than saying empty words, world leaders are doing nothing to end this massive genocide.

I suspect God is watching us all and will judge us harshly for allowing these crimes to continue. All lives matter, but if we're not willing to protect the children, then we have truly lost our way. 

Notes From Clown World: August 13, 2024.

Kier Starmer poison

I start this edition of 'Clown World' with a meme about U.K. Prime Minister Kier Starmer, simply because in the short time since he began leading the country, it's already devolved into chaos and increased tyranny. Starmer is another in a long line of deep state globalists who don't seem to actually care about the United Kingdom or anyone who lives there. I suspect he's there to help destroy the nation and hasten its transition to neo-feudal slave colony that serves the international elites. Neo-feudalism is being sold to us as socialism with heavy doses of social control enforced by tyrannical laws and brutal policing. It's is poison, and it can quickly sicken the entire world. Let's hope that Starmer fails in all his endeavors and is exposed as a clown instead of a sociopath.

alleged Muslim terror cells in the United States

I found this scary looking map in a Telegram group. Allegedly it shows where all the Muslim terrorist cells are located. I have to wonder how anyone knows where the cells are. If we know, why aren't we doing anything about them? Then I began thinking about why the United States is at such risk of terror attacks. Like most people, I used to believe government propaganda about Muslims hating our freedom. George Bush said so, right? But now I see how the U.S. has spent billions of dollars over several decades overthrowing legitimately elected governments in the Middle East and starting wars so we can steal their resources. I've heard one after the other member of Congress pledge allegiance to Israel, a nation that openly talks about dominating the Middle East and destroying Iran in the process. The U.S. financially and militarily supports Israel's endless reign of terror, and the people in Arab nations can plainly see it. I hope there's never another attack inside America, but at the same time I understand the motivation. The citizens of the United States are at risk because of the foreign policies of our own government. Our leader's blind obsession with Israel combined with the theft of oil and gas for the benefit of big energy corporations makes us a target for retaliation and revenge. 

Arab nations don't hate our freedom. But they do hate being bullied, robbed, and repeatedly kicked in the teeth. We needn't be surprised when our horrible actions create horrible reactions. Have politicians never heard of karma?

beef being tested for bird flu

The bird flu scam just won't go away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to expand bird-flu testing of cows in an attempt to destroy our food supply and make us dependent upon the growing authoritarian Marxist government. Well they didn't say all that but the end-goal is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Just like with COVID, the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist. But health officials, the same people who think children need more than 70 vaccines before the age of 18, are pushing the false narrative that a virus is flying around the world infecting birds who are then infecting cows. It's the stuff of science fiction, yet the government is putting its full weight and weaponry behind it. They've even got a new bird flu vaccine ready that promises to protect you from the virus that doesn't exist. If the bird flu vaccine as safe as the COVID jabs, the funeral homes are going to be really busy, really soon.

wastewater tested for covid

If infected birds and cows haven't scared you yet, the CDC has released this anxiety-inducing map showing where cases of COVID are the most active, based on tests of wastewater. Yes, they're testing our poop for that same old virus that has never been proven to exist anywhere in the world. But they think they can find it, or traces of it, in municipal sewer systems. Even if it's all a lie, they can still create maps like this to scare the most gullible among us into taking another depopulation injection. 

slapped cheek syndrome

My goodness. The myth of virology keeps on Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex. Now we have "slapped cheek syndrome", supposedly caused by...wait for it....a virus! Symptoms in the first phase are flu-like and can include fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, and joint pain. In the second phase, a characteristic "slapped cheek" rash develops. Wow, those symptoms sound the same as a whole bunch of other things kids get. Sounds like just another detox to me, but we shouldn't rule out the possibility of it being a reaction from vaccines. In fact there are a number of environmental factors that could cause those symptoms, but none will be seriously explored as long as the cult of virology exists.

pineapple meth

Finally, we check on New Zealand, where tasty pineapple candies have been handed out to homeless people. Did I say candy? I meant methamphetamine. Apparently someone donated the meth disguised as candy, not knowing that each piece contained up to 300 times the level of the drug someone would usually take. Luckily no one was seriously injured, and police are investigating.

Evangelical Zionists Are Pushing the World Into Armageddon.

evangelicals push for armageddon

In this report from Greg Reese (5 mins, 25 secs), you'll see how a combination of delusional evangelical Zionists and bribed & blackmailed politicians are pushing the world into Armageddon.

Greed, fear, and ignorance, which are tools of the demonic realm, are once again being used against us in an effort to create chaos and suffering. Sadly, the people who should be leading us to courage and faith are actually leading us into the dark. 

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