The Shame Of America.

U.S. Congress celebrating Netanyahu

Members of the United States Congress are shown celebrating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the man responsible for the genocide in Gaza. Earlier this year, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu for alleged war crimes. The official death toll in Gaza since October 7, 2023, is 38,664, as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry on July 16, 2024. However, a study published in The Lancet on July 12, 2024, estimates that the true death toll could be 186,000 or more. Half of the deaths were of women and children. [video below:]

Netanyahu speech and pepper spray

While Netanyahu was speaking to Congress, the police were deploying pepper spray on the protesters outside. 

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -- Kevin Alfred Strom

police arresting peaceful protesters

Peaceful protesters opposing Netanyahu's visit to Congress are arrested by Capitol police. True freedom of speech no longer exists in America, and this is especially true about any criticism of Israel and the Zionists. [video below:]

The sad reality we face is that our elected officials don't actually represent us. Their loyalty is to Israel first, followed by corporate entities such as Big Pharma and the military industrial complex. The vast majority of the members of Congress are being bribed, blackmailed, or otherwise threatened to sell out their own nation. Deep state agencies such as the CIA and the FBI are helping to compromise America's politicians, aided by foreign agencies such as MI6 and Mossad.

We have become an authoritarian police state that is quickly becoming a totalitarian police state enabled by A.I. surveillance technology. 

The immoral clowns celebrating Netanyahu don't care about our Constitution or protecting our republic. They're focused on themselves and the people who control them.

If America has a future, it's up to us to save it.

The Deep State's Barbaric Treatment Of J6 Defendants Is A Warning To All Of Us.

january 06 protests

Conservative journalist Katie Hopkins, the most banned woman on the planet, tells us what the harsh sentences being given to the January 6 defendants are really all about:

“The whole purpose of what’s being done to the J6 defendants is to serve as a warning, to serve as a message. The reason has nothing to do with the law. The reason is it’s a message: “Don’t you dare play up. When we lock you down and we shut you down to force Biden through in 2024, don’t you say a word. Don’t you take to the streets. Don’t you dare protest. Don’t you dare have anything to say when you see fraud happening before your very eyes because look what we will do to you. We will crush your soul and your family. We will make you weep and beg for your life. And we’ll spit on you anyway.””

America is under siege by enemies inside and out. Their goal is to destroy our nation's sovereignty and make us subservient to the globalists who want to turn the entire world into a technocratic totalitarian slave colony. We are all that stands against the forces of evil and endless tyranny. We have to take it seriously. We have to take it personally. Or else we'll be taking it shackled, on our knees.

The Swamp Goes Into Damage Control Over The J6 Capitol Security Videos.

The big story this week, at least for conservatives interested in politics, is Tucker Carlson's unveiling of the security video footage from January 06, 2021 that Democrats and RINO's have been desperately trying to hide from public view. As expected, the videos show what we knew all along: there was no insurrection. Capitol police were seen calmly escorting people around the building, opening locked doors and practically rolling out the red carpet to protesters as well as several instigators of violence who were likely paid to be there by Democratic Party operatives. There are many more hours of video we haven't seen, and we may never see. But we've seen enough to prove we were right and to hopefully get the J6 political prisoners released from Joe Biden's gulag. As a bonus I'd like to see several politicians and their associates in various government agencies sent to Gitmo for a very long time. Already some of them are feeling nervous and have gone into damage control mode.

Senator Chuck Schumer, one of the slimiest politicians in DC, has been particularly outspoken about it all. In a statement that only makes sense in clown world, Schumer tweeted "I don't think I've ever seen an anchor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain as Tucker Carlson did last night." He then implies it's all a "lie" and Fox News needs to silence Carlson. It sounds like Schumer has a lot to hide, and he doesn't want his dirty secrets to be revealed. And that shows real disdain for the American people.  

Not to be outdone, perpetual traitor and RINO Senator Mitch McConnell also did some damage control. He said "it was a mistake" for Fox News to depict January 06 "in a way that's completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks." In other words, don't believe your own eyes. Instead, believe one law enforcement official's opinion, because it reinforces the official fake narrative that protects McConnell's ass.

When else have we been told to believe a narrative instead of what our five senses actually tell us? Maybe a pandemic that they said would cause people to collapse dead in the streets? Or that vaccines are "safe and effective"? Or that heart attacks and sudden deaths are caused by anything but the jabs? How about a war in Ukraine that they say is to protect "democracy" but is actually due to NATO's desire to destroy Russia? 

Government officials lie. And it makes them nervous when we see proof of it in high definition video. So then they lie some more to convince us we're not seeing what we think we're seeing. It's just the way the immoral swamp works. We have a lot of draining to do.

Government Is Organized Crime.

One truth is holding humanity back from its true potential: Government is organized crime.

Joe Biden Accidentally Condemns Democratic Party Violent Rhetoric.

Joe Biden recently gave a divisive speech in which he accused Republicans of inciting violence. It was just another in a series of dishonest statements made by the most immoral President in United States history. 

I'm not affiliated with any political party but I really hate liars, so I found a few quotes from prominent Democrats who really were inciting violence.

What do you have to say about that, Joe? I'll just put his statement beside those of his comrades.

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