Don't Go In.

government reeducation camp meme

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”  ―  Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Notes From Clown World: August 21, 2024.

U.K. judges in costumes

What better way to kick off today's edition of 'Clown World' than with a photo of four clowns! What we have here are judges, in full costume, from the United Kingdom. These men and women, wearing lace and what looks like automobile floor mats on their heads, take themselves quite seriously as they issue fines and send people to prison. They work for a sick system of control that has convinced them they're more important than the rest of us and can therefore judge us and even ruin our lives as they see fit. They seem to think you and I were born as property of some imaginary state, which only has power over us through the threat of violence, detention, and the theft of our property. While they claim to work for some government entity, in reality their bosses are very wealthy men who hide in the shadows, manipulating the world as if it's their own personal chess game. Judges wear silly costumes to show their obedience to the men in the shadows, proving they'll do anything for money and prestige.

And silly us...we're born totally free as the children of God and then give up our freedom to the sick system of control, run by the men in the shadows, and enforced by clowns wearing floor mats on their heads.

gun scanner in a school

Onslow County, NC schools have installed the "Evolv" system that's supposed to detect guns and other weapons and theoretically keep everyone safe. Students will be required to line up just like we do at airports for the TSA and then walk through a system of sensors that are connected to artificial intelligence. I've not been able to find any information on what kind of sensors are being used other than cameras. Are students being zapped with radiation? The Evolv website doesn't say. But apparently the system is smart enough to pinpoint the specific location of any suspected weapons so that the security guard can go straight to that location, such as a jacket pocket, rather than having to do a full-body pat down.

No one wants another school shooting, But just as the TSA is actually obedience training for humans, having kids line up for weapons scanning every day is teaching them to get used to a technocratic, fear-based world where searches, scans, fingerprinting, and digital ID's become an integral part of their day, repeated over and over as they go from one mundane task to another. Children are being taught that the world is a super-dangerous place, but constant surveillance will protect them. They'll never know any form of self-sufficiency, convinced the government will always be by their side. They may never realize the protection they've been given is actually a prison.

two communists

The Democratic Party national convention is taking place in Chicago this week. It seems appropriate that a political party notorious for being run by criminals is having its convention in a city historically controlled by organized crime. The convention has featured the usual suspects - Hillary, both Obama's, Oprah, Biden - lying about how much they love America and democracy. None of them have mentioned how the Democrats are using every dirty tactic imaginable to keep third party candidates such as Jill Stein and Robert F. Kennedy Jr off the ballot in as many states as possible. No one is talking about the coup the party elites staged to kick out Joe Biden and install Kamala Harris as the nominee. Instead, the focus is on "joy". One after another, speakers at the convention have been talking about joy, as if it was scripted. But what are they joyful about? The joy of Communism? The joy of censorship? The joy of forced vaccinations? The joy of lockdowns for fake pandemics? The joy of shredding the Constitution? The joy of pedophilia? The joy of weaponizing the FBI and the IRS? The joy of taxes? 

Maybe it's the joy of killing babies. Who else but the Democrats would allow a Planned Parenthood bus to be parked outside the convention so that women can have their children murdered for free? Abortion is one of the top issues for the Democrats in 2024. They're obsessed with it. Maybe that's because the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxist ghouls with no morality and no shame.

abortion bus

When I see the party's elites on stage at the convention spinning their web of lies and promising a future they have no intention of delivering, I feel sorry for the cult-like audience who have no idea they're being manipulated by skillful sociopaths. They don't realize that the compassion they feel for their neighbors will be twisted and inverted by Democratic Party politicians and turned into horrible things typically predicted by dystopian science fiction movies. What the Democrats will actually give us is Communism and all its perversions: constant surveillance, rationing, censorship, travel restrictions, a ban on religion, work camps, reeducation centers, and the deaths of millions of people deemed to be disloyal to the party. History proves this scenario.

Tim Walz socialism

So don't be fooled by the Democrats and their message of joy. There's no joy in Communism, no matter who is trying to sell it to you.

Only One Will Survive.

G Edward Griffin meme about collectivism

"Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. One one will survive." -- G. Edward Griffin

Notes From Clown World: August 13, 2024.

Kier Starmer poison

I start this edition of 'Clown World' with a meme about U.K. Prime Minister Kier Starmer, simply because in the short time since he began leading the country, it's already devolved into chaos and increased tyranny. Starmer is another in a long line of deep state globalists who don't seem to actually care about the United Kingdom or anyone who lives there. I suspect he's there to help destroy the nation and hasten its transition to neo-feudal slave colony that serves the international elites. Neo-feudalism is being sold to us as socialism with heavy doses of social control enforced by tyrannical laws and brutal policing. It's is poison, and it can quickly sicken the entire world. Let's hope that Starmer fails in all his endeavors and is exposed as a clown instead of a sociopath.

alleged Muslim terror cells in the United States

I found this scary looking map in a Telegram group. Allegedly it shows where all the Muslim terrorist cells are located. I have to wonder how anyone knows where the cells are. If we know, why aren't we doing anything about them? Then I began thinking about why the United States is at such risk of terror attacks. Like most people, I used to believe government propaganda about Muslims hating our freedom. George Bush said so, right? But now I see how the U.S. has spent billions of dollars over several decades overthrowing legitimately elected governments in the Middle East and starting wars so we can steal their resources. I've heard one after the other member of Congress pledge allegiance to Israel, a nation that openly talks about dominating the Middle East and destroying Iran in the process. The U.S. financially and militarily supports Israel's endless reign of terror, and the people in Arab nations can plainly see it. I hope there's never another attack inside America, but at the same time I understand the motivation. The citizens of the United States are at risk because of the foreign policies of our own government. Our leader's blind obsession with Israel combined with the theft of oil and gas for the benefit of big energy corporations makes us a target for retaliation and revenge. 

Arab nations don't hate our freedom. But they do hate being bullied, robbed, and repeatedly kicked in the teeth. We needn't be surprised when our horrible actions create horrible reactions. Have politicians never heard of karma?

beef being tested for bird flu

The bird flu scam just won't go away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to expand bird-flu testing of cows in an attempt to destroy our food supply and make us dependent upon the growing authoritarian Marxist government. Well they didn't say all that but the end-goal is obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Just like with COVID, the virus that allegedly causes bird flu has never been isolated and proven to exist. But health officials, the same people who think children need more than 70 vaccines before the age of 18, are pushing the false narrative that a virus is flying around the world infecting birds who are then infecting cows. It's the stuff of science fiction, yet the government is putting its full weight and weaponry behind it. They've even got a new bird flu vaccine ready that promises to protect you from the virus that doesn't exist. If the bird flu vaccine as safe as the COVID jabs, the funeral homes are going to be really busy, really soon.

wastewater tested for covid

If infected birds and cows haven't scared you yet, the CDC has released this anxiety-inducing map showing where cases of COVID are the most active, based on tests of wastewater. Yes, they're testing our poop for that same old virus that has never been proven to exist anywhere in the world. But they think they can find it, or traces of it, in municipal sewer systems. Even if it's all a lie, they can still create maps like this to scare the most gullible among us into taking another depopulation injection. 

slapped cheek syndrome

My goodness. The myth of virology keeps on Big Pharma and the medical industrial complex. Now we have "slapped cheek syndrome", supposedly caused by...wait for it....a virus! Symptoms in the first phase are flu-like and can include fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, and joint pain. In the second phase, a characteristic "slapped cheek" rash develops. Wow, those symptoms sound the same as a whole bunch of other things kids get. Sounds like just another detox to me, but we shouldn't rule out the possibility of it being a reaction from vaccines. In fact there are a number of environmental factors that could cause those symptoms, but none will be seriously explored as long as the cult of virology exists.

pineapple meth

Finally, we check on New Zealand, where tasty pineapple candies have been handed out to homeless people. Did I say candy? I meant methamphetamine. Apparently someone donated the meth disguised as candy, not knowing that each piece contained up to 300 times the level of the drug someone would usually take. Luckily no one was seriously injured, and police are investigating.

The Attacks Are Real.

the Satanic deep state attacks

Radiated, injected, poisoned, sprayed, and brainwashed....the attacks from the Satanic deep state are real.

Wake up, adapt, resist.

[image by Revellati Online]

Different Paths...Same Destination.

Biden and Trump lead to totalitarianism

"When you know the destination, you can see the journey." -- David Icke

The destination planned for all of us is a global totalitarian feudalistic society. The super-wealthy will own everything while the rest of us will own nothing. We'll be allowed to rent meager resources to help us stay alive, but only if our social credit scores are high enough for us to qualify for payment credits to be added to our CDBC accounts. Everything we do will be watched. Words spoken in public will be monitored. Our ability to travel will be restricted. Vaccines and other medical procedures will be forced upon us. Food will be administered by prescription. Work will be mind-numbing and constant. Joy will be an emotion of the past.

All of this will be controlled by a handful of elites who think their bloodline grants them the world. They'll be helped by artificial intelligence, which will micromanage every asset on the planet...every inch of land, every tree, every drop of water, and every person. There will be no revolts; the chemicals in the food, water, and air will keep us dim-witted and docile.

It will be an open-air prison. There will be no escape, not now and not for 1000 years. This prison is being built all around us right now, and some of our fellow humans are actually demanding it to be built, so they can feel safe, or because they think the technology behind it is cool and convenient. They can't see the danger.

It seems there's an unseen force driving us toward our own misery and enslavement, and few politicians are willing to stop it. Even many of our religious leaders are turning a blind eye to the darkness that approaches.

Here in the United States, we have two major candidates running for president. But whether you vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, our destination remains unchanged. Only the path changes.

If Trump wins in November, the radical left won't accept the outcome and they'll riot once again, burning cities and terrorizing the public. Trump will likely impose martial law and suspend our rights, saying he has no choice. It's possible he'll even confiscate our guns, and many in the MAGA crowd will go along with it because of their blind trust. When calm is finally restored, our rights won't come back, and neither will our guns. But few will complain because the trauma of the riots will be too great. "Never again", the people will say, as they demand to be kept safe.

If Biden (or successor) wins in November, conservatives will take to the streets but they won't riot. There will be peaceful protests, but nothing will burn. Talks of secession will begin, but before any progress is made, the left will launch false flag attacks on government buildings and officials and blame it on conservatives. Martial law will be imposed and our rights will be taken away. Guns will be confiscated. Mass arrests will be made. Independent media will be shut down. Social media will be purged of any posts deemed to be "anti-government". The left will scream for a revolution, and the right will be frightened into submission.

(Similar extreme measures could also come from either side if "bird flu" is used as the excuse for another fake pandemic.)

Either way, left or right, the nation will fall into an authoritarian police state status, from which it won't emerge. And as it weakens and declines, it will increasingly align with the globalists and their totalitarian feudalistic society.

America, the last piece needed, will be fitted into place. And the open-air prison will be complete.

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